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More Food Items and Everyday Items in home

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by April_Croft, Jun 16, 2011.

  1. April_Croft

    April_Croft Ps Home Traveller :)
    Valued Member

    Jul 13, 2010
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    I made this post in the eu forum (if I have made it here before I apologise) -- do you guys think there should be more everyday items in home as well as more food items? I think there are a few in Us but not in eu...the only food items i know of the top of my head that we can display in our apartments are the foods from irem square and the cakes etc from the gift everyday Items I mean stuff like accessories for kitchens like cutlery, washing up liquid etc...stuff for around the house like candles...things like that :) also I like how somethings are 40p - tbh I think 79p is a bit expensive for most of the stuff on there. They should keep it cheap it's not like they don't get enough money for virtual items. :)
  2. teriyaki_soba

    teriyaki_soba Sandwich~

    Dec 25, 2010
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    I'm always up for more items but when it comes to managing my apartments space allocation needs to increase. If I want to have on a table a sweet food spread that takes 48 slots, I won't have room to put up chairs(or a DDR machine).
  3. yokokoroma

    yokokoroma Active Member

    May 24, 2011
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    I agree, I kind of posted this same topic on PS Forums. You pretty much summed up my thoughts, Food items (the ability to cook) pots and pans, stoves, dish washers, etc... better telephone's (maybe make it possible to call those on your friend list, if their in their personal space w/ phone in it) which there's only one that I know of (Ghostbusters or it may be a loot item) and it's very retro (need newer designs) I also would like to see an active drink machine and ability for avatars to drink (the animation should be like that of "Shenmue") afterall PS Home is kind of like SIMS (it's just we can control our characters) which is both more advanced and less advanced than it. I also agree about price, something's in PS Home are worth a liittle more than others, but not everything, small objects don't require a whole lot to make, so therefore should be cheaper, whereas the larger items require more attention and should be a liittle more expensive (a liittle, not a lot) it's only fair.
  4. crow6828

    crow6828 i'm not crazy really

    Jan 5, 2011
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    well i kinda agree about the food items, i mean if you are just going to have them there for show. 1 i don't want to use 5 slots for a plates of food or half eaten boxs of pizza when there is alot of better items i have that i could use those slots for. 2 even if you did have the slots to space on those kind of items it would be nice if you walked up to it and your avi acted like it was eating the item instead of it just sitting there. also something that could be cool is like in the hands option where you caould have a cup or a piece of food in it and when it is equipped and standing still it acting like you are eating or dirnking what is in your hand lol :).
  5. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Only one home space takes trinkets well the mansion so until slots are increased there isnt any point n im sure some serious addicts are sick of seeing empty pizza boxes and bottles of drink, in real life it should get washed up n put away lol
  6. Ultra

    Ultra Member

    Apr 5, 2011
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    I stopped placing tiny items in my apartment a long time ago. Especially with the bigger spaces, I need the spots for furnishings and larger items. So things like the Namco Soda Can and Irem noodle dish just won't do it for me. But if they boost up the item limit I'm all for more everyday stuff. If you think of it, trying to set a single table with plates, food, napkins, dishes, candles...that could use up 50 items right there.
  7. Pendrake

    Pendrake Active Member

    May 27, 2011
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    I agree. More everyday items, higher item limits and more interactive items. Imagine a cooker that produced consumable food for parties. Home could learn a lot from The Sims in my view as currently it has too little functionality in furniture.
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