Metal Gear Solid 5 has been announced and the legendary Hideo Kojima will be developing the next installment. We currently don't have any details surrounding the next MGS game, but it's probably safe to assume that it'll be coming to a PlayStation (we're not sure if that means PlayStation 3 or 4 though), as the first details of the game are scheduled to be revealed as part of the December issue of the Official PlayStation Magazine UK. When we have more info to go on we'll be sure to let you know about it. Until then, let's hear some speculation about the new MGS. Where do you want it to be set? Will it feature cardboard boxes? MGS 5 Teaser .. [video][/video]
darn you kim i thought there was really going to be a mgs5 instead you are talking about mgr lol ( which i am not sure about yet )
Lol, Its Technically Metal Gear Solid:Rising .. And It Is The Fifth Installment In The Series Excluding The PSP Titles ;D I Can't Wait :crossi:
All I can say is... Snake, what happened? SNAAAAKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE **cough cough**..I mean.. RAAAIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN **then plays the Game Over theme** :crossi:
ok so i know two people who might die out of heart attack out of happiness brother and I lol Hideo is like a family member lol I cant wait for MG5 ... i don't know about MGS rising since its not Hideo Kojima directing it.
i like it when the one Shouting is a female ...makes me cry lol Snake answer me !!! SNAKE !! oh no SNAKEEEEEEEEEEEE !
New Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Teases New Reveals with Live Action Confusion [video=youtube_share;paUIfhjSUx0][/video] New details on Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is expected next week, April 30, based on a newly released teaser from Konami and Kojima Productions. And that's pretty much everything we can glean from this surreal, live action teaser video titled "Make It Right." The 31-second teaser appears to be filmed from the perspective of Metal Gear Rising's Raiden as he undergoes his cybernetic transformation, with a little blood and torture thrown in for good measure. Hopefully it will all make sense next week. :dnc5:
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Sends Us A Disembodied Arm, Secret Files Check out that crazy disembodied arm above! It was delivered to G4's offices earlier today, and at first I thought it was a strange warning from one of my many murderous enemies in the Mafia. But it turns out to be connected with upcoming game Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. As you can see, the arm has a USB drive attached to it. The drive contained a series of photos, a letter and a video. I love a good mystery/ARG/wild-goose-chase/viral marketing thing as much as anyone, so I've embedded it all under the "Read More" tag. Pour over it at your leisure. Wow! I hope I'm not a "competing military company!" But even if I am, I plugged the arm into my computer and downloaded the secret files. Here are the photo files that were contained on the robot arm: :dnc4:
Metal Gear Rising's Newest Live Action Trailer Doesn't Reveal Much [video=youtube_share;deoifD7rYks][/video] Last week's cryptic, jumbled teaser for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance teased something for today, April 30. Unfortunately, the latest video from Konami and Kojima Productions leaves just as many questions as answers, with this expanded live action video that again appears to focus on Raiden. There's no new gameplay in the latest video for action-oriented Metal Gear Rising, but there may be plenty of frame-by-frame scrubbing for serious Metal Gear fans to do. :dnc5:
Metal Gear Revengeance Teaser ;D [video][/video]
Cybernetic, Ninja Warfare like you’ve never seen it before in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. [video=youtube_share;2ONT6-8B94Y][/video]
Raiden's blade attack moves are on display in this Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance walkthrough. [video=youtube_share;lJPfKGvq2aM][/video]
E3 2012: The Very Un-Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance In name and look, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance may check off the required boxes for a Metal Gear game. In gameplay though, Revengeance feels utterly un-Metal Gear. Zero sneaking, overtly aggressive swordplay, and the only cardboard box in sight serving as a hiding place not for you, but for a quivering PMC Soldier begging for mercy from your sinew-starved blade (I did not oblige; that’s how Cyborg Ninjas roll). This isn't your older brother's Metal Gear, but something more akin to, say, a game directed by Bayonetta's main programmer, Kenji Saito. Outrageously carving up enemies, eviscerating typically overpowerd Gekkos, taking down a Hammerhead copter mid-air with a rocket launcher and an HF Blade… if the Revengeance demo is indicative of what the final game will feel and play like, you can expect a gratuitous splatter-fest of sword splock, delivering fun - vapid fun - for people who prefer mutilation to CQC. Here’s the hook, and yes it’s the main one: dynamic slicing. The right analog stick controls your blade with (almost) one-to-one action, daring you to sculpt cross sections of cut across anything your little heart desires, at any angle across the X/Y axis that you like. The demo redefines the term ‘vertical slice’ with a veritable carving gallery on offer – rocks, trucks, barrels, and bad guys. And yes, the infamous watermelons appear as well. Playing as Raiden in what is presumably a tutorial, you Ninja Run (a sprint during which you can automatically block bullets) and slash your way across several zones – a beach, a courtyard, a falling bridge section (whilst running towards the screen, Uncharted style, tap tapping along to quick-time events) and into another courtyard. Throughout it all, one thing becomes clear: You are the sultan of slice. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance does for analog stick flick-flacking what Diablo III does for the left click: it’s all you do. At least it’s all I did in the demo. Ninja Run to a groups of sentries, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut. Ninja Run to the next section, cut, cut, cut, cut. What you don’t do is much of anything reminiscent of a core Metal Gear game. Now don’t take that to mean anything troubling; this vision of Metal Gear lands somewhere between the greatness of Ninja Gaiden and the kookiness of Ninja Blade. I'm fine with this. Maybe I’d play in a stealth manner if there were reason, but I can’t find one. At least not yet. Why should I tip-toe around when I have this thirsty sword that wants me - compels me - to cut? The official story even says that most of the sentries are robotic anyways, who am I to worry about a little android chop chop? The demo provided little story other than playing the Cyborg Ninja with the awesome sword, cutting everything, all the time. Not that it needed more background than that, really. I get it. It’s a bloody, ‘cut everything, don’t ask questions later’ reimagining of Metal Gear. Your average Metal Gear lore could bog this sort of fun down. The demo was generally fine, but left me with questions. The cut, cut, cut was fun for the half hour, but how will it fare 10 or 20 hours in? And I’m eager to learn why Raiden is so hack-happy, and how he's even the star of a game that takes place after what happened at the end of Metal Gear Solid 4, but I fear what too much of the heavy-handed storytelling emblematic of Metal Gear might do to the more action-oriented formula. Let’s not forget they did remove Solid from the name, which can be read a few different ways. An easy way to opt out of Metal Gear canon? A business decision that artistically reflects the development hand-off from Kojima to Platinum? Maybe something more holistic, like the implication of the freedom to make the game they want to make, free from the compulsion to obey any legacy gameplay or story assumptions? In this context, I'd prefer it were the latter. We could use a fun Metal Gear game that doesn't take itself too seriously, a rollercoaster ride with enough story to please longtime fans who expect depth of story and tone whilst hacking away. We’ll know for sure when Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance comes out in early 2013. In the meantime, cut, cut, cut....
E3 2012: Metal Gear Rising: Revengance Solves Its Problems With Katanas If you've got a problem in Metal Gear: Revengance, it's pretty obvious what you need to do: apply katanas until it goes away, likely in pieces. The trailer really just hints at all the fun Raiden can have with sharp objects. For example, here he is doing the bloodiest goomba stomp ever performed before chopping up a tree and then cutting an enemy in half from behind to get at the toy surprise inside. Obviously, the style is a bit…different from previous Metal Gear games. Partially that's thanks to Platinum Games. Kojima Productions handled the story and the character designs, but the gameplay is all Platinum, who you might remember from MadWorld, Bayonetta and Vanquish. And their fingerprints are all over the game. It'll be interesting to see how hardcore fans of Solid Snake will feel about a game that mostly centers around shredding everything in your path.