So anyone here getting Marvel vs Capcom 3? Also do you think this game will have any Home rewards? I hope so. Discuss! By: DCS
Pre-ordered the collectors edition 2 months ago. So yeah, I think I'm getting it =p As for Home rewards, hope so. Capcom is pretty generous when it comes to Home rewards ie. Street Fighter IV + Super, Resident Evil 5, and Megaman 10. Can't think of why Capcom would stop now.
Yeah i'm snowed in now and it's snowing again. Of course the game is not out for a few more weeks but i just hope i'm plowed out or the snow melts by then so i can go get the game on day of release. Crosses Fingers! I know other Capcom games have Home Rewards just Hope MvsC3 does as well. Haven't heard any news about it having any. So either it doesn't or they want to keep it a Surprise? LOL! So who are ya Favorites here? Marvel characters? Or Capcom Characters? I'm a Street Fighter fan. But i also like Superheroes! But i still think i would side with Street Fighter Characters in this case. YAY! Go Capcom! By: DCS
I'm with what I'd like to say but based on my playing of MvC2, Marvel characters were a bit more powerful ie. Cable, Iron Man, and Magneto. But who knows I do like having Dante, Hsien-Ko, and Amaterasu on my team. =p @Tabby- I want a trade. My collectors edition seems to pale in comparison to your super ultra rare collector edition. Wonder if Gamestop won't mind me changing it a week before release.
All the games will play the same it just means u don't get all the extra's thats not really part of the game to begin with LOL! DLC stuff thoe is always good to have. But we know that it will be on the PS Store later for Sale so it won't be like hey we missed it as we can buy DLC later. At least thats the way it has been over these past few years. But ya never know what will happen then. By: DCS
So did anyone get there Game Yet? If so has anyone found any Home Rewards from this Game? If so Let us Know? Thanks! By: DCS
I won't have mine till tomorrow afternoon once I get out of work. But in the mean time I'd focus on the awesome game first then home rewards second =D If you'd like you can add me if you want and vs. sometime. I'm mediocre in MvC2. Mediocre being I can't pull off those fancy advanced moves ie. infinites.
I like the Home Rewards first LOL! That way my Avatar can wear them in Home and say look at me i got MvsC3 LOL! U got plenty of time later to play the game. But Home stuff now is a must have later everyone would have them and theey be like who cares... Aww! By: DCS
haha! Truly the opposite for me. I need to get the game first and play it in order to go online and beat the noobs first haha. Once they master advanced combos, I'm done for.
I really hoped for a Morrigan outfit... or Felicia... or Jill... or Phoenix... or X-23... or Trish...
I guess theres No Home Rewards or someone would of posted them by now. Oh Well! That just proves the fact that Capcom is indeed done with Home! AWW! By: DCS
Yeah, was hoping for at least a t-shirt when getting a gold trophy but when I got one this morning nothing. =( So at the very least I hope they at least sell costumes and such in the mall. I'd like to walk around in a Zero costume. Wonder how Amaterasu will look like on a human body...
YAY! I got my game today from Capcom... Took them 4 days after release but at least i got mine. Thought for awhile there i wasn't gonna get it. But it showed today... YAY! Played it awhile today before i left. I unlocked two characters so far Akuma and Sentinal is there only two here to unlock by PP player Points? Or if there are more how many PP do you need to get the others? I'm not talking about DLC characters here. Just ones you unlock with PP thanks! By: DCS
There's also Hsien-ko and Taskmaster. Shouldn't be too hard especially if your aiming to see all endings.
I got the four Hidden charaters now. Not to hard to get. YAY! I like Taskmaster. and Akuma LOL! The other two are a little odd! Thats for sure... So all i need to do now then is sit back and just practice the game and relax. LOL! I hear DLC is coming but the prices there gonna ask for DLC for this game is a little Steep! So i think i'll pass on DLC for now. Maybe later it will get marked down. Then i might Consider getting it then! I grabbed all the street fighter and super street fighter DLC when it first hit... But the DLC for this is gonna be even more so i'll have to wait at those prices then. OH WELL! Next up: Mortal Kombat! Now that game is gonna ROCK! By: DCS
I don't know what to make of DLC at the moment. For the first batch being the 2 characters Jill and Shuma Gorath, I don't have to worry came with the collectors lol. But the costumes for Iron man, Capt. America, Thor, Ryu, Dante, and Chris. I don't really know. Like you I grabbed pretty much all the Street Fighter DLC when it came out but afterwards it felt like a waste of money being I hardly play it anymore, that and $5 for few characters at a time really adds up. That and I prefer it being in bundle form like they sell them for Japan. But yeah, characters are probably what I'll buy, costumes. Depends if they really wow me.