You look like the kind of person who loves POWER! Lockwood’s LMO Motorbikes pack that power. Their horsepower is so powerful, it HOOFS horses out of the way to make room for UNICORNS. That’s right, Lockwood’s Motorbike engines run on UNICORN POWER. You want to see the unicorns? WELL YOU CAN’T. They’re tiny and they live in the engine and make the bike VROOM. You’ll just have to be content with vrooming. What’s that? You love power, but not as much as you love GIFTS? Well that’s good too, because Lockwood’s LMO Motorbikes also come in GIFT FLAVOUR! Okay so it isn’t a flavour, it’s just an alternative but equally convenient way to get hold of an AWESOME motorbike. Stop LICKING THE GIFT MACHINE already! You’ll just get a sore tongue. Barons Eggcellent Plan Active Item re-release Delirious Squid Gothic collection is now available in EU