Well. i didn't matched. so hard on matching this. but i have to publish this for a Unity Contest name: 'LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2 Contest' [Info here: *** U N I T Y *** Where Clubs and... | PlayStation® Community Forums] right now. i didn't have more time on matching Central Plaza (in Top-down 3D) so i just publish it as beta. but the full version (version 2) will be matched with some help with Home User (I'm looking for someone who can match central plaza and home icon) (yes. i use someone's icon, the only one that have a matched icon. from japan...) heres some pic: Bad? right? okay. i done with the thread! now i do something dumb idea for my next LBP2 Level! more missing content comeing soon...
Will this be a playable level ie. Navigating an yourself via the controlinator or is it moreso just a quick pan-esque view of the place. Looks good though, accurate at the moment. Looking forward to part 2. Guess you'll start adding the benches, trees, etc.