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Le’chuck’s Pirate Ship

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Adrian, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. Adrian

    Adrian Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    #1 Adrian, Jul 22, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2015
    Set aboard A pirate Ghost ship, a worthwhile personal space.

    You get to be at the poop deck high up, as a skeleton crewmember (Non interactive) steers the ship. The ship is imagined to be sailing through underground rivers of lava!!! The sky is red & skeleton birds fly about. Down from the poop deck, another small deck. Down again another deck with a room this time, enter the room, look out the windows; look through a telescope.

    Down onto the main deck (Where you’ll arrive), there is a pirate crewmember sitting atop of grating. There is a room to one side, which leads to stairs going down into the hold where skeleton chickens walk about. To the other side is a locked room, access is gained through a key game (Not over exciting, but don’t wanna spoiler it for you), this room being considered as Captains quarters I guess is not very large, but nice; private, I have a pirate bed, ornate sofa a studio light & a camera in there, not the most practical place for the camera, but I guess I like my privacy. One final set of stairs leads to one final deck at the rear of the ship. The key game unlocks a music game, 1 tune, which I listen to quite happily for a while.

    Background noise is creaking and moaning, & chickens squawk J
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