BRIMSTONE DANCERS! so who all is getting the layla Dancer tomarrow? We all know where this outfit idea came from don't we.... LOL! Mileena Flesh Pit outfit for Sure... Oh Yeah! WOW i never thought i see this on Home but as of tomarrow it will be here... What more can i Say? I'm SHOCKED! WOW! I need to put these Dancers in my Apartments for sure... LOL! Who needs Darla in Darla's Den now? When you can get three Dancers from Brimstone! Poor Darla i guess she will have to retire now... HA HA!
I Will Definitely Get Them For My Clubhouse .. It Actually Fits Into The Theme .. LoL I Might Have To Refurnish It A Bit ;D
Since these are Active items and we can only put out two active item's i can't figure why they showed all three in the video at the same place... Makes u think oh yeah get all three and out all three out in one spot... But we all know active item's is limit 2... So thats false Advertising for sure....