Hiya all, Would we have to sign up to music unlimited to actually get the reward? (if they decide to give one out to ps home community) Also, because i'm a first time user of music unlimited, i received the 180 day free basic plan, do i need to upgrade to the 30 day premium plan?
I don't know much about it myself, but this is all I have to go off here Seems its a community reward, and only obtainable if enough people sign up for the free trial, doesn't say how many though, nor do I know what the reward is. I have yet to sign up but I read one of my friends whose an American like I wasn't able to sign up for some reason, so I'm not sure if we can help. I might post an awareness thread over in the EU Forums to get the word out, hopefully we'll be able to hit the number of people they want and the reward will be a Home Square visit reward.
Sometimes these rewards are just a sales gimmick, lets not say how many we need, set the number at a low number so you are guaranteed a win, gets people signing up and them in turn trying to get others to sign up, when you win reward you think thank the heavens we got enough.
I agree with Gary on this one, but personally think there is no number at all and they plan on giving this reward out no matter what, just to push people to try out the service in hope people will sign up to a paid sub.