Yet again reality is shifting in the would of PlayStation Home and this time it will see SodiumOne enter Japan so i hope your ready for a new kind of fighter, one that fights with honor and without fear. Be sure to pick yourself up one of the two Waitress or Bartender outfits and head for a nice pre-fight drink at Scorpio's, once your ready head on off to the Salt Shooter trainer to warm yourself up for the fight ahead. Now it's time for the real fight so be sure to pick yourself up the Sodium Pilot Outfit to unlock the full 50 levels of Salt Shooter (First 5 levels you can play for free, space is rewarded on loading SodiumOne) But on your way to the frontline becarefull of the stomping grounds and the robot scorpio's, make sure you have the right footware in the form of the Sodium Scorpion Stomper Boots to stomp them without fear.