We’ve heard that two of the new Mechs, Kojiro and Matsu, have been seen roaming around US Home – particularly in the Lockwood Publishing Showcase… Come for a visit and you may catch them in action before they're released next week. If you do see them, feel free to pose with them and get some pictures of these powerful and ancient robots! If you're unfamiliar with our latest line of Mechs, please follow this link: Iron Fusion Samurai and Geisha Bots – Coming Soon… | Lockwood Publishing - Lockwood Voice
oooo, could be fun to have one of those mechs of that size walking with you, but we all know SEN will never get human-sized companions going until the ps4 is released, maybe.
I would love to get them, since I'm into Japanese stuff. First time I saw them from the room to get the last animated limited reward, I was fascinated.