If anyone here has been on since 2009, you might remember the good times you had at these spaces, playing Reaper Shock at the inFamous space, playing the gun-stripping game and finger fillet at SOCOM, and the best Conspiracy. So what are your thoughts now that these places are gone, they places in my opinion were some of the best looking spaces on Home, they should have kept at least Conspiracy, but we must move on.
I must admit I'm a little surprised they haven't been removed from EU. I was expecting scee to remove them without giving us any notice. It's a shame for NA though, it's a piece of home history gone forever.
HK Home says "they don't know when Abandoned City will come back in the future" on their community message. lol XD I'm happy to have gotten all the Socom stuff and the leftover Conspiracy stuff on the last day.
I never thought Conspiracy was going to be deleted THAT soon. Wasn't it around for like, a year or two? I don't think I got any rewards from the inFAMOUS space, though. But I won't miss these spaces that much. Not like I missed IREM. D:
Perhaps theres a line in the sand been drawn, with these 3 spaces and granzella taking down 2 spaces and game in Japan due to technical issues, we might see a bit more if its not working we remove it till it does, all we can do is see what next move is, UFC space is the one to watch out for, the refunds for that would be huge due to the private space not working and it being not just on one region like conspricy, if they remove that, it will show an intent to either it works and stays or it doesnt and goes