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Human's vs Panda's Dance-off Party Event!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by AL2009man, Sep 2, 2011.

  1. AL2009man

    AL2009man Active Member

    Oct 10, 2010
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    [Fun] Human's vs Panda's Dance-off Party Event!

    Taken from: Human's vs Panda's Dance-off Party Event! | PlayStation® Community Forums
    (with help from our friend's at *** U N I T Y *** Where Clubs and Friends Unite!! | PlayStation® Community Forums)
    Human's vs Panda's Dance-off Party Event!, Sep 2, 2011, 10:18 PM,, 4229

    Time: Sunday Sep. 4th, 2011, 5:15pm EST (Setup start at 5:00pm )

    End Time: 7:00pm EST
    (for your time zone: please go to this link: Time Zone Converter)

    Where: Bomberman Space
    Party free for non-membre!
    Its like Aliens vs. Androids, Ninja's vs Hamster, etc. Dance-off
    This was planed for over almost a year...but here...they it is!
    welcome to the Danceoff from a invite from Mr. Panda Sandwich and Panda Racer!
    Heres how to enter:
    1st: The Party is free
    2nd: you have to take what side u take
    2nd extra: if you going to be one of Panda's and don't own it, then heres how to get!

    • WipEout® Male Panda Helmet
    Human's vs Panda's Dance-off Party Event!, Sep 2, 2011, 10:18 PM,, 4229

    How to get: Find all 12 logos in the WipEout Museum space

    3rd: if your not on the mood on Human Costume... Hamster, Robot, Rapstar, Aliens, Androids, Super-Hero etc can join the Human to help! Any people from a Club (Team RHO, Gamer inDepth, etc) still join the party!
    and ready to enter the fight!

    now get ready to party soon!

    What side you can take!
    Human's vs Panda's Dance-off Party Event!, Sep 2, 2011, 10:18 PM,, 4229
    Human: Add 'Y2David'

    Human's vs Panda's Dance-off Party Event!, Sep 2, 2011, 10:18 PM,, 4229
    Panda: Add 'al2009man'
    PS: to add them you need to use "Human vs Panda" me and david will not add them!
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