[Fun] Human's vs Panda's Dance-off Party Event! Taken from: Human's vs Panda's Dance-off Party Event! | PlayStation® Community Forums _______________________________________________________________________________ (with help from our friend's at *** U N I T Y *** Where Clubs and Friends Unite!! | PlayStation® Community Forums) Time: Sunday Sep. 4th, 2011, 5:15pm EST (Setup start at 5:00pm ) End Time: 7:00pm EST (for your time zone: please go to this link: Time Zone Converter) Where: Bomberman Space Party free for non-membre! __________________________________________________________ Its like Aliens vs. Androids, Ninja's vs Hamster, etc. Dance-off This was planed for over almost a year...but here...they it is! welcome to the Danceoff from a invite from Mr. Panda Sandwich and Panda Racer! Heres how to enter: 1st: The Party is free 2nd: you have to take what side u take 2nd extra: if you going to be one of Panda's and don't own it, then heres how to get! ____________________________________________________________ WipEout® Male Panda Helmet How to get: Find all 12 logos in the WipEout Museum space _________________________________________________________ 3rd: if your not on the mood on Human Costume... Hamster, Robot, Rapstar, Aliens, Androids, Super-Hero etc can join the Human to help! Any people from a Club (Team RHO, Gamer inDepth, etc) still join the party! and ready to enter the fight! now get ready to party soon! -AL2009man __________________________________________________________ What side you can take! Human: Add 'Y2David' Panda: Add 'al2009man' PS: to add them you need to use "Human vs Panda" me and david will not add them!