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US How About Installable Active Items Like Gz Weathervanes?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Joanna, Sep 20, 2012.

  1. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
    Valued Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    Hi everyone!

    I just had an idea about this concept and thought I'd share it and see what some of you think. I was really impressed with the "install option" yesterday when I installed the weathervane at my new Granzella personal space and was greeted with a dialog box that let me pick from weathervanes I had in my inventory. I picked the one I liked and then came to find after it was installed that it took up no furniture slots and was essentially treated as a built in item that might come with the space.

    My thoughts here revolve around well if you can do this with a weathervane why not do it with other active items such as active beds, active lounges or active beach mats like the ones Granzella makes. I understand that specific locations would need to be used as install options in private spaces for install locations and that would remove the freedom to place them where you want if you chose to use the install option but that certainly would not preclude you from using the active items normally without an installable feature.

    The installed items would be like built in ones but ones we can personally choose to install or not. It doesn't really matter to me if the items selectable are only directly related to the developer of the space although using any active bed (or other item) from any developer in an install location would certainly be better.

    I think that could be well received by many in the community and in turn increase the furniture limits and possibilities when decorating spaces. Perhaps this isn't possible. I'm certainly not a developer and have no clue about the coding for spaces but I thought it could be a neat idea if it could be implemented.

    I've had my coffee this morning. That doesn't necessarily mean I'm awake. :p

    How About Installable Active Items Like Gz Weathervanes?, Sep 20, 2012, 4:59 PM,, 8154
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    • Firefly

      Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

      Nov 5, 2010
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      I think that would be very very cool.

      I think what an apartment would need would be a way to store a furniture's ID number. Positional data. And there is probably the need for some check to make sure you don't hit an out of memory error. But since apartments can come in various sizes, maybe we can use some of that overhead to place more furniture!

      btw I've looked at save files. There's a lot more data than that for each furniture item. For example the "about this item" text seems to be in the save files for each piece you add. (I think).

      Also, like I mentioned to Jo this morning, you also have arcade cabinets. If you haven't seen one, you place them in an apartment and you can click on them and play a game like Galaga. But these are not active items. And they only take ONE furniture slot. When you click play, the item download data to play the game. The data isn't in the furniture. So it's only one slot.

      I would like to see some more actives in Home use this method to increase functionality without needing extra slots.
    • Mika40

      Mika40 Active Member

      Mar 14, 2011
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      Awesome idea Joanna Dark this gives us more options to decorate I hope the Developement Gods are listening yay allmost Friday love the Tiki bar any why didn't we get the red fluffy bikini? Ooh well pink is nice:)
    • HeavyMystik

      HeavyMystik Mystik of the Heavy<br><img src="http://icons.icon

      Mar 26, 2011
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      Hey Jo

      That is a good idea. That has been tossed around here at Heavy Water to see what we can get out of an active item for the user, as well as "installations" within private spaces that won't eat at your furniture budget. Can't say when these might become a reality from us, but we definitely want to explore this type of technology for Home!

      • Like Like x 2
      • Joanna

        Joanna Well-Known Member
        Valued Member

        Dec 24, 2010
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        Sweet! I think it's really important though that the items could also be used anywhere in the space apart from the install and in other spaces.

      • C.Birch

        C.Birch Site Owner
        Staff Member Administrator

        Mar 21, 2012
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        That would be like some crazy cross of a normal space making use of a system like blue:print to place items into a space without using furniture blocks.
        • Funny Funny x 1
        • mikelep9054

          May 17, 2012
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          Actually it wouldn't need specific baked in locations to do it. They could give the option to place x amount of furniture, actives or not, and placeable one item location spots for each. Not terribly complex, and not out of the range of possibilities. when I got out of audi space on Eu, you can see the spawn point building tool in the floor underneath. They just need to make one for this purpose, slightly modified and let you place it where you want. Sims 3 had add fish and things to ponds, and other add ons in expansion packs that worked like this. Not that home is approaching a several years old pc game yet, of course. Since home is more set on limiting options than expanding them when it comes to decorating spaces, i doubt they will. If they did they would sell or rent the abilities to do extra things.

          I would like the ability to hide their built ins, or turn them off. Built in corpse sprawl bed at bungalow, and some others ive seen. Giving users some of the options from developer tools is doubtful given their actions over the last year.
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