HomeStation Presents: The Upload, Episode #2 We’re back! If you enjoyed the urbane wit, reasoned discussion and slightly mental mayhem of the first HomeStation podcast, then you’ll absolutely love this one. Norse, Mike, Cubes and Jersquall cover the following topics: Shouting at peopleKillzone Central PlazaThe PSP2Lockwood fashions & hairstylesCubism in Home3D gaming: fad or future?Egypt’s unrest, and the internet “kill switch” bill in the USASenator Lieberman’s impending retirement from the senate, and violence in video gamesAre video games the work of the devil?Should Home have a “welcome center” of some sort?“Home Schooling” (Impromptu poll: which of the four Upload presenters most resembles the Stig?) So: if you’re looking for the Home equivalent of a Bill Maher talk show, then grab something to drink, kick back, and listen to these four gents joke around and have some really interesting discussion. The Upload, episode two: online now! HomeStation Presents: The Upload, Episode #2 | HomeStation Magazine Featured review: The Mansion Pool -- Review of the Mansion Pool Deck | HomeStation Magazine Featured story: Home As A Haven -- Home As A Haven | HomeStation Magazine
Hun you are doing a wonderful job with your magazine, website and it's features. Wishing you the best of luck! XD Joanna