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Home Client V.1.65 Update

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
    Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 29, 2009
    Likes Received:
    +263 /52
    Application of the patch

    If you are upgrading from an old version of Home (1.40 or earlier) then when you attempt to apply the 1.65 patch please wait for the orange “hard drive activity” light to stop flashing on your PS3 before commencing the patching process.

    New Features

    Menu Screen

    -The new Menu Screen replaces the old Menu Pad.
    -It functions in a very similar way to the old Menu Pad but we have made many
    improvements to its speed and ease of use.
    -It starts faster and responds better making it quicker and more satisfying to navigate
    -There is an updated graphical design.
    -And a much better layout.
    -Key options are more readily accessible.
    -All options are in more logical places and easier to find.
    -Everything is clearer because there is room to lay things out properly when using the
    full size of the screen.
    -Options to globally disable voice or text chat have been removed from the Menu
    Screen as these already exist in the Home Safe Screen (accessed with [SELECT]).
    -Browsing your inventory from the Menu Screen now uses the same system as the
    Wardrobe and Furniture Browser. This means:
    -It is much quicker to open and view your inventory.
    -You can sort and filter your items.
    -You can move Portable items, such as companions, that you do not use very often into
    Portable item Storage.
    -This will allow much faster access to your favorite Portables.
    -If you can’t find a particular Portable check in Storage first.

    Furniture slots

    -Each apartment or clubhouse can hold up to 100 items of furniture measured in slots.
    Prior to patch 1.65 a Normal Furniture Item always took up 1 slot and an Active
    Furniture Item always took up 22 slots.
    -With patch 1.65 developers will now be able to create Normal and Active Furniture
    Items of different slot sizes. Therefore Active Furniture Items can be created that take
    up fewer slots and you will be able to place as many Active Furniture Items in your
    personal space as will fit.
    -Please note that all existing furniture items created prior to patch 1.65 will still be either
    1 or 22 slots in size.
    -To make it easier to organize, the furniture placement menus now display a new bar
    that provides a visual representation of the furniture slots in use.
    -This shows the number of slots used, the number of slots free and how many slots the
    currently selected item of furniture uses.
    -It warns you if placing the selected item would exceed the capacity of your Personal
    -It shows how the slot usage will change if you remove multiple items.
    -The furniture detail menu (accessed by clicking the left stick [L3]) shows how many
    furniture slots a specific item occupies.
    -How many slots a piece of furniture will use is also displayed on the detail page of each
    item when you are viewing it in the store.

    Personal Voice Chat

    -The new Personal Voice Chat system replaces the old Telephone Call system.
    -A Personal Voice Chat behaves in a similar manner to a Telephone call and can be ]
    initiated in the same way (from the Friends list, from the Chat Log or by targeting
    -The major benefit of this new system is that a Personal Voice Chat is treated as
    another voice channel by the chat log.
    -This means all communication is now managed from one place: the Chat Log.
    -You can switch between voice channels while remaining in a Personal Voice Chat
    without having to end the conversation.


    -Alerts have been integrated into a new, third tab in the Chat Log.
    -The Alerts that pop up on screen have a new graphical design.
    -Pressing [START] with an alert on screen now opens the Alert tab in the Chat Log.
    -And when you are viewing the Alerts tab pressing [START] opens the Menu Screen
    regardless of any Alerts that might be arriving at the time.
    -Much like the original Alerts menu you can view a list of active Alerts and interact with
    them from this tab.
    -The tab also indicates how many Alerts are available to view.

    Shop from the Wardrobe

    -There is a new option to shop for clothing directly from the Wardrobe.
    -Extra “Shopping” chips have been added to the Wardrobe overview as well as each
    category of clothing.
    -These chips take you to shops offering more clothing choices.

    Cross game invite to group

    -The cross game invite system has been expanded and now allows you to invite friends outside PlayStation Home directly into your group.
    -When you are in a group you can access this new type of cross game invite from the
    Groups area of the Menu Screen.
    -Standard cross game invites are still available but will not put your friend into your

    Grief Reporting

    -The Grief Reporting interface has been updated.
    -The process of submitting a report is a lot simpler and requires fewer button presses.
    -The whole system is a lot more robust.
    -More feedback is provided if there is a problem.
    -A new graphical design brings the interface more in line with the rest of PlayStation
    Home including reflecting your chosen pop-up color.


    Video screen interface

    -The interface on all of the video screens around PlayStation Home has been improved.
    This includes:
    -An updated graphical design when loading videos.
    -More information about what is happening.


    -Improved the stability of real time games making it more likely that you will be able to
    consistently and reliably join one.
    -Optimized the start up flow by combining some of the configuration files into a single
    download. This may reduce the log in time by a small amount and will help reduce the
    chance of an error during log in.
    -Changed the general download system that PlayStation Home uses to increase
    responsiveness and potentially provide a small improvement to download speeds.
    -Made some general improvements to networking that should increase reliability.
    -Smoothed out the loading of images for display on either side of the message of the
  2. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
    Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 29, 2009
    Likes Received:
    +263 /52
    Application of the patch

    If you are upgrading from an old version of Home (1.40 or earlier) then when you attempt to apply the 1.65 patch please wait for the orange “hard drive activity” light to stop flashing on your PS3 before commencing the patching process.

    New Features

    Menu Screen

    -The new Menu Screen replaces the old Menu Pad.
    -It functions in a very similar way to the old Menu Pad but we have made many
    improvements to its speed and ease of use.
    -It starts faster and responds better making it quicker and more satisfying to navigate
    -There is an updated graphical design.
    -And a much better layout.
    -Key options are more readily accessible.
    -All options are in more logical places and easier to find.
    -Everything is clearer because there is room to lay things out properly when using the
    full size of the screen.
    -Options to globally disable voice or text chat have been removed from the Menu
    Screen as these already exist in the Home Safe Screen (accessed with [SELECT]).
    -Browsing your inventory from the Menu Screen now uses the same system as the
    Wardrobe and Furniture Browser. This means:
    -It is much quicker to open and view your inventory.
    -You can sort and filter your items.
    -You can move Portable items, such as companions, that you do not use very often into
    Portable item Storage.
    -This will allow much faster access to your favorite Portables.
    -If you can’t find a particular Portable check in Storage first.

    Furniture slots

    -Each apartment or clubhouse can hold up to 100 items of furniture measured in slots.
    Prior to patch 1.65 a Normal Furniture Item always took up 1 slot and an Active
    Furniture Item always took up 22 slots.
    -With patch 1.65 developers will now be able to create Normal and Active Furniture
    Items of different slot sizes. Therefore Active Furniture Items can be created that take
    up fewer slots and you will be able to place as many Active Furniture Items in your
    personal space as will fit.
    -Please note that all existing furniture items created prior to patch 1.65 will still be either
    1 or 22 slots in size.
    -To make it easier to organize, the furniture placement menus now display a new bar
    that provides a visual representation of the furniture slots in use.
    -This shows the number of slots used, the number of slots free and how many slots the
    currently selected item of furniture uses.
    -It warns you if placing the selected item would exceed the capacity of your Personal
    -It shows how the slot usage will change if you remove multiple items.
    -The furniture detail menu (accessed by clicking the left stick [L3]) shows how many
    furniture slots a specific item occupies.
    -How many slots a piece of furniture will use is also displayed on the detail page of each
    item when you are viewing it in the store.

    Personal Voice Chat

    -The new Personal Voice Chat system replaces the old Telephone Call system.
    -A Personal Voice Chat behaves in a similar manner to a Telephone call and can be ]
    initiated in the same way (from the Friends list, from the Chat Log or by targeting
    -The major benefit of this new system is that a Personal Voice Chat is treated as
    another voice channel by the chat log.
    -This means all communication is now managed from one place: the Chat Log.
    -You can switch between voice channels while remaining in a Personal Voice Chat
    without having to end the conversation.


    -Alerts have been integrated into a new, third tab in the Chat Log.
    -The Alerts that pop up on screen have a new graphical design.
    -Pressing [START] with an alert on screen now opens the Alert tab in the Chat Log.
    -And when you are viewing the Alerts tab pressing [START] opens the Menu Screen
    regardless of any Alerts that might be arriving at the time.
    -Much like the original Alerts menu you can view a list of active Alerts and interact with
    them from this tab.
    -The tab also indicates how many Alerts are available to view.

    Shop from the Wardrobe

    -There is a new option to shop for clothing directly from the Wardrobe.
    -Extra “Shopping” chips have been added to the Wardrobe overview as well as each
    category of clothing.
    -These chips take you to shops offering more clothing choices.

    Cross game invite to group

    -The cross game invite system has been expanded and now allows you to invite friends outside PlayStation Home directly into your group.
    -When you are in a group you can access this new type of cross game invite from the
    Groups area of the Menu Screen.
    -Standard cross game invites are still available but will not put your friend into your

    Grief Reporting

    -The Grief Reporting interface has been updated.
    -The process of submitting a report is a lot simpler and requires fewer button presses.
    -The whole system is a lot more robust.
    -More feedback is provided if there is a problem.
    -A new graphical design brings the interface more in line with the rest of PlayStation
    Home including reflecting your chosen pop-up color.


    Video screen interface

    -The interface on all of the video screens around PlayStation Home has been improved.
    This includes:
    -An updated graphical design when loading videos.
    -More information about what is happening.


    -Improved the stability of real time games making it more likely that you will be able to
    consistently and reliably join one.
    -Optimized the start up flow by combining some of the configuration files into a single
    download. This may reduce the log in time by a small amount and will help reduce the
    chance of an error during log in.
    -Changed the general download system that PlayStation Home uses to increase
    responsiveness and potentially provide a small improvement to download speeds.
    -Made some general improvements to networking that should increase reliability.
    -Smoothed out the loading of images for display on either side of the message of the
  3. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
    Likes Received:
    +261 /59
    I'm sure people will love some of the updates that 1.65 brings :)
  4. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
    Likes Received:
    +261 /59
    I'm sure people will love some of the updates that 1.65 brings :)
  5. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
    Likes Received:
    +90 /0
    The portable item storage and changes to the active items sound great.
    Im not sure I like the new navaigator from that leaked video, but i'm sure i can live with that.
  6. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
    Likes Received:
    +90 /0
    The portable item storage and changes to the active items sound great.
    Im not sure I like the new navaigator from that leaked video, but i'm sure i can live with that.
  7. Shaundi

    Shaundi Third Street Saints
    Valued Member

    Jan 16, 2011
    Likes Received:
    +44 /10
    Lots of great stuff here by the sounds of things but I hope the alerts tab in chat log can be hidden, sounds like that could lead to a spam filled chat log...
  8. Shaundi

    Shaundi Third Street Saints
    Valued Member

    Jan 16, 2011
    Likes Received:
    +44 /10
    Lots of great stuff here by the sounds of things but I hope the alerts tab in chat log can be hidden, sounds like that could lead to a spam filled chat log...
  9. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
    Likes Received:
    +261 /59
    The alert tab is just a tab like the clubs and voice chat tabs :)
  10. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
    Likes Received:
    +261 /59
    The alert tab is just a tab like the clubs and voice chat tabs :)
  11. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
    Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 29, 2009
    Likes Received:
    +263 /52
    I just hope they fix the disconnect problem before they issue this update! :)
  12. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
    Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 29, 2009
    Likes Received:
    +263 /52
    I just hope they fix the disconnect problem before they issue this update! :)
  13. julie_love

    julie_love Active Member

    May 1, 2011
    Likes Received:
    +10 /0
    I'm concerned that the new one to one chat system will give trolls yet another way to pester us in Home.
  14. julie_love

    julie_love Active Member

    May 1, 2011
    Likes Received:
    +10 /0
    I'm concerned that the new one to one chat system will give trolls yet another way to pester us in Home.
  15. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
    Likes Received:
    +22 /11
    me too, homes becoming a no go zone too many rumours of why not enough comment from sony
  16. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
    Likes Received:
    +22 /11
    me too, homes becoming a no go zone too many rumours of why not enough comment from sony
  17. HeavensLightfire

    Sep 5, 2010
    Likes Received:
    +2 /1
    Everyhing looks good but I just hate the new menu screen, idk , its just not appealing and I'm more used to the regular screen.
  18. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
    Likes Received:
    +67 /2
    Sigh.....I just hope the weekend of d5021 don't become the WEEK of d5021.
  19. BestBoyBR

    BestBoyBR Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    +0 /0
    When this patch is coming up and work???? They talk about A PATCH CLIENT but doesnt said the date that it will be done.
  20. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
    Likes Received:
    +112 /7
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