... Hello All! ...Im kitt from the USA! ...I enjoy short story writing, I dabble in a little "dear kitt" wisdome'ry lol and occasionally some pretty decent poetry seeps out as well (occasionally lol) ... Use to game a lot but not so much anymore since I found PSHome 3 yrs ago ...I do however still enjoy a little blk ops every now and then ...but not the zombie part ...its to scary for me! ...Im not that good at blk ops ...but I do alright, ...I have to look at it as tho I'm playing a game of Hide n Seek cuz if not i get too upset when i get shot ...lol ...I kno retarded huh, but i cant help it I get REALLY involved when i game lol ...I do play MW3 as well but dont like it as much (i get shot WAY to much to enjoy it) ...mainly cuz im not as familiar with the maps as i am on blk ops ...been playin that longer, more familiar ... On Home I am a reward junkie, even if i'll nvr use it ...if its available to get ...i am trying like, ALL OVER IT trying lol ...idk why i feel the need, but i do ...if its free then its for me lol ...i especially like to go after things that supposedly aren't 'gettable' anymore ...finding ways to gather lost rewards really turns me on lol ...bad choice of words there huh ...but it does lol and u kno wut i mean ... Aside from reward hunting, helping people get things they may not have the opportunity to is a lot of fun for me as well ...i enjoy the conversation and all the new people u meet ... maintenance nite is the best nite in the world! lol ...I feel like a 9 yr old on Christmas Eve lol ...its true ...I cant go to sleep in wonder of wut they r gonna leave for us to find in the morning ...My family thinks im nuts and that may be (just slightly lol) but i cant help it ...I luv surprises ... Well that bout wraps it up for me, hope to meet u all somewhere on this great forum or in Home itself at some point in time ...if we shuld happen to virtually pass, make sure u say "HEY!!" ...untill next time, Happy Home'ing n Many Rewards for All! ...kitt :wave: