From our family to all of you — wishing you health, happiness and all that! And as non-developers, we certainly don't give a hoot about your Home spending habits either… [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…
At least you get to add a few more pics for your scrapbook Ari (me too!). And I think I've found my inspiration for breakfast today, thanks to one of your photos (hint: it's not going to be the kadomatsu)… [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…
Since I was asked, here's the original card I was working on… Unfortunately I just didn't feel the image I had was of high-enough quality to be as effective as I'd hoped. Also didn't feel it was near-snazzy enough. Maybe next decade. Anyway, these two should have us covered at least until the next console cycle hits. [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…