Activision officially announced that they are dropping the Guitar Hero and DJ Hero line. Stating its no longer profitable.. they are going to digital content(ie games only). Saying their success of WOW and Call of Duty proves people dont like music games... What.. if anything does this mean for the Guitar Hero section in home... Speculate....because Activision says they are all about profits now. Source: 50 staff gone at Vicarious Visions | Game Development | News by Develop
The main problem with big games companys is that its becoming like hollywood where every film you make has to be a hit or they stand to lose a lot of money due to the making costs.
I'm sure they will probably reboot the franchise in a few years (maybe next gen systems). I guess I should go and fav the main Guitar Hero space, just in case they decide to hide the space. But they will probably outright remove the space when the time comes.
I'll be honest, I'd be more worried about Hudson Gate than GH. Unlike GH, which only the franchise has been killed, Hudson's very NA branch has been killed. In that regard, I'm extremely worried that our Hudson Gate, while it would likely still live, would never be updated again (note: Its ONLY the NA branch thats being killed atm) with, say, new Dolphy race courses.