Welcome Geran McAdam Smith, Glad you have joined! Why not take a min to introduce yourself to the rest of the Your Playstation Home community, after all thats the first step of becoming part of any community Dont forget if you need any help please feel free to contact us via forum PM.
Heeeey :3 I'm Geran, thought it was about time i joined a community for Playstation home to meet some other nice mature people that use it. Only recently decided to properly use Home, I'm a veteran Second Life user (for anyone who know what it is) so might as well make the use of home Looking forward to meeting you all.
Heeeey, thanks for the nice welcome ^^ glad to be here, I took a break from forums for a few months after a site i was staff on for years with over 100k members died after 9 years of being open shut down. I thought it was time for a break after all that work, but I've got into Home now so i decided what the hell lets join a nice forum and meet more people :3