Hi, Just wondered if anyone uses game launching much and if so what kind of games do you like to play?
The main problem is still its lack of fully supported games. But when i can, i use it becasue i think its good to auto return to home and talk about the games after. Personally it would be shooters for me has with the right people there aload of fun.
I using Game Launching in every release what i have... even for single-player only game. I'm just a too lazy for using XMB for that, heh. Once per week i'm gathering some people playing with me, LittleBigPlanet often. Anyway, i know one game which have full support, but Home doesn't identify it yet. WipEout HD. Works fine and creates private friends only host straightly (max. 8 players), like LittleBigPlanet does. If you leave room, you come back to Home. I just wondering is there more "hidden" full support games like that one...
After seeing the Wipeout Space i tried wipeout the other day... im not so great at it. CB used to do a great LBP Launch night. Right now the games I launch the most are LBP, RDR and Burnout
I stopped LBP event, not due to event itself but becasue of stuff with official forums. Lack of support in the form of not doing a tweet for the event when asked if they could, yet other threads and events got them, some even via the blog now. I guess its that H.E.C crap, what all 'few' events via it have been fail. Yet good events that are working get no support, eg just like monday night quiz.
Super Street Fighter 4 give you the option of returning to HOME after leaving the game. However, it takes you back to the Navigation Menu.