"From January the 30th Diesel is proud to welcome you to the Diesel Museum and Gallery. A public space located precisely at the midpoint between Here and There. A limbo in which the physical rules that govern everyday life are cast aside like the mauve and mustard chequered sweater your Gran knitted you for Christmas last year. To coincide with this publish Diesel are also bringing a new 15 item clothing range to PlayStation Home. The items, from the renowned Spring Summer collection, range from a selection of Diesel denims to the more exotic T-Lyy Dress with G-Diagonal Jacket and L – Vasti Jacket and Blue Denim Shirt combination items.Those with the wisdom to comprehend the true nature of the exhibits displayed in the Museum receive a series of reward items and in doing so will open the doorway to the Diesel Gallery, a place of quiet contemplation for the select few who have the ability to see things for what they really are." And no post would be complete without the visual assets!
So the clothes are they free rewards you can get from the Diesel Museum because if so are they also available in the EU and the US???