Hi all, Today the forum was given a update and i would just like to take a few min to point a few things out. First of all you might spot the post editor is fully new now and is designed to give better support to both Safari/Chrome, with this it means that the uploading of images from your PC should now work and also let you edit the sizes. The editor also add's a auto save system that will auto save what you have typed in the box, in case you crash, hit back button or other silly mistakes that make you lose your text. You can then restore the text via a link that will show in the bottom left of the editor. The down side to the update is, that you might come across a few bugs, like with the smilies 'More' link not working, it also broke the new chat box and due to that i have rolled the chat box back to the old one to the new one is working again. If you come across anything else please let me know. Many thanks. Update: The Chat box is now back fully working, so be sure to whip casp when you next see him. Update 2: Added a Facebook, 'Send' button next to the Facebook 'Like' button at the top of threads.