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[EU] PlayStation Home: Sodium Update, FF XII Clothing, Monkey Island and More!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by EU Blog Feed, Apr 21, 2010.

  1. EU Blog Feed

    Jan 27, 2010
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    Monkey Island has to be the gem of this week’s update: In additional to the incredible Ghost Pirate Ship personal space, there’s a huge range of furniture as well as costumes for Guybrush Threepwood and LeChuck. For the biggest fans of Monkey Island, check out the Ghost Pirate Ship bundle, that includes an array of selected furniture items. Make sure to watch this space for more content from LucasArts coming soon!


    This week sees the Sodium space receive significant updates. Many of the updates are aimed at making it easier for everyone to move about the space, including: moving the spawn point; moving VICKIE; adding a teleporter to a new Tank Trainer space; and the addition of a new interactive “You Are Here” map. Other updates include a Golden VICKIE and new items to purchase from VICKIE.

    The long-awaited Final Fantasy XIII costumes arrive tomorrow! Featuring costumes for Snow, Lightning, Vanille and Sazh, these costumes are sure to stand out in a crowd. You’ll also find four new furniture items, including two Lightning figures and a Flying Ship model.

    The Diesel store takes delivery of a new range this week. Consisting of a dozen items, including female attire, there’s a good chance you’ll find something that appeals to your eye!

    Xi Alumni Hub Temporary Removal and Update

    The Xi Alumni Hub will be removed from PlayStation Home temporarily, starting from this week. Due to recent changes introduced with the 1.35 client update, these spaces need to be rebuilt to ensure they continue to function as designed.
    nDreams will be taking this opportunity to provide access to some content from Xi that hasn’t been seen since Xi ended, along with some items from Xi that will be available to own.
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