Thanks for the info. Karen. Nice to have this all in one place. :thumbsup: PS4 will be great no doubt, but it will be awhile before I buy one. Still plenty to do on PS3 with what time I have for it...and I would rather wait until they work any kinks out after releasing the initial batch of PS4's. Be interesting to read reviews from early owners for sure.
For those regions that are having the E3 event, look forward to the following: NA - All booths are open for viewing. Commerce point has shops with sale items but have no limited items for sale from Lockwood or anything else. EU - No PS Mobile quest, but you can access viewing the kiosk and get the white E3 shirts and Music Unlimited LMO hoverboard. Commerce point has shops with sale items but nothing limited from Lockwood or anything else. HK - You cannot access Destiny kiosk/quest, PS Mobile, and Music Unlimited (in other words you cannot get the Music Unlimited LMO hoverboard and the white shirts from E3). The commerce point has Lockwood limited items, featuring red, yellow, and blue glowing eyes for men and women, male and female Lockwood earrings, and male and female Lockwood shoes. LMOs consists of the demon white horse, gold motorbike, and volcano aura. You can also go to the vacant upstairs rooms for 2 of the hidden PS Plus rewards (PS Plus shoes and sling sack)! And The Last of Us and PS Plus kiosk will reward you with a picture frame.