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Dolphy race guide

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by satuli, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. satuli

    satuli Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2009
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    Hudson Gate Dolphy races have been running at JP, EU and NA homes for a while already so I feel urged to do a top post in this topic. The people at Hudson probably noticed the races were losing interest so they have made a major update in there. The update included an additional new race course and some new rewards. It managed to return the action back in there and space is packed with people again. That is nice of course but it also killed the old course races. I am trying to collect all the basic things into this post so you don't have to read through the whole topic to find them. I wont be going into the tactics, stats etc. in this post. You can read many different opinions about them in this thread and numerous other discussions in other forums. Just saying you shouldn’t trust any of the s.k.“absolute facts” you hear or read about, because there aren’t any. The thing is at least 50% random so just enjoy and have fun.

    Voting on the winners

    Everyone can vote for the winners by selecting the Dolphy they think is going to win the next start.
    Voting (betting) takes place in the Hudson Gate Disk which can be reached by going through the gate marked with “R” Hudson Gate public space.
    The happy Dolphy’s are singing (notes coming out) and will behave better in the race than ones unhappy or even mad.
    Races start at :00 :20 and :40, every other is the default Challenge and next the new Star course (see the Entry times below).
    You will receive 4 dolphy ornament rewards and two glowing horns eventually by picking the winners. They will come in random order so getting them all can take quite a few tries, any number of wins from 4 up (Winning Dolphy color has no effect what so ever in getting the rewards).

    Raising your own Dolphy

    By purchasing the Dolphy apartment you get the chance to start racing your own Dolphy’s.
    You can own 3 Dolphy’s at a time and take them to the public races in the Hudson Gate once they are adults.
    You also can start over with any of your Dolphy’s if you are not happy about them. You will get a newborn for replacement and can start raising it from the start (you can keep re-crating it multiple times until you get your favorite start stas).
    You will get the next baby once the previous one reaches the maximum in its stats (30).
    The skills can be altered by 1 point per day after they already have maximum stats by feeding them super foods.
    You should keep on voting for the winners to get super food for your Dolphy babies wish makes them grow faster.

    Dolphy Limits

    Maximum sum of all skills is 30
    Maximum of single skill is 20
    Minimum of single skill 1
    Newborn sum of all skills 10 (random combination of skills in ranges 1-8)
    Adulthood sum of all skills 20

    Food items

    You will get super food for your Dolphy’s by voting on the winners in the races. It will speed up the growth of your Dolphy. Super foods will only last one feeding each, so you have to keep on voting to have them available for your babies. The Dolphy room also has auto feeder facility and will keep feeding your dolphy’s with the last skill food you have given it manually (the feeder only gives out normal fish so the super food must always be fed manually).

    Normal fish
    +2 for the juveniles (sum 10-20), +1 for adults (sum 20-30) / day

    Super fish
    Received for picking winners in the races
    +3 for the juveniles (sum 10-20), +2 for adults (sum 20-30) / one day

    Super fish will add one to selected skill for fully grownup's, but then also removes one from the skill witch has been increased longest time ago.

    Attending in races

    Once your Dolphy reaches adulthood (sum of skills 20) you can start racing it on the Hudson Gate. Sending it to race is done from your Dolphy central console through picking a suitable strategy for it and jumping to the Hudson Gate. Once you enter the disk, your Dolphy will follow you (given you are not too late for the race and Fortuna is with you). The race invitations stay active for hours and even in a case of restarting your PS3, when re-entering the Hudson Gate your Dolphy may pop in some start. The Dolphy’s are picked randomly by the game and you can’t be sure they will appear in the first start you send them. Note! Once your Dolphy has entered the race there is no way you can cancel it and it will race even if you get disconnected from PSN. Your Dolphy won’t score anything if that happens and it becomes just like one of the Hudson bots for that race. Event the owner name will wiped out of it in case of owner disconnection, and you can’t race it until the next day.
    Key to success is to pick the right strategy and time when to send them to races. One good approach is to first go in to a race and have a peek at the competition in there. Only if the action in there looks ok for yours, should you send it in (You only have one go per day with it). Avoid competing against your friends if not your not trying to figure out who’s Dolphy is the fastest, because there still is only one winner in every start. It’s much better to take turns and vote for all your friends Dolphy’s when they get in the race (the number people voted for yours can be seen after the update).
    Your Dolphy can only race once a day and the game will reset at 09:00 JST at the same time in every region meaning all the growth will happened then. Also resets your daily race status enabling you to race your Dolphy’s again, if you want to have a race free day for example.

    Entry times (24/7)

    Race disk opens :05 :25 :45
    Participants selected :12 :32 :52
    Races start :00 :20:40 two different tracks
    Star course at:20 on even hours, and at :00 and :40 odd hours JST (Japanese time)


    Challenge Course

    Bubble Dolphy Figurine random winning vote
    Star Dolphy Figurine random winning vote
    Metal Dolphy Figurine random winning vote
    Striped Dolphy Figurine random winning vote

    Dolphy Thropy 1st win
    Bronze Crown 1st win
    Silver Crown 3rd win
    Golden Crown 5th win
    Flame Dolphy (Animated skin) 10th win

    Star Course

    Glowing Horns (Blue) random winning vote
    Glowing Horns (Red) random winning vote

    Bronze Tiara 1st win
    Silver Tiara 3rd win
    Golden Tiara 5th win
    Stealth (Animated skin) 10th win


    Sparkle (Small), (default)
    Simple Bubbles , (default)
    Colorful Bubbles, (default)
    Heart Marks, (default)
    Sparkle (Big), 25 votes
    Cherry Blossom Bubbles, 50 votes
    Snowflakes, 75 votes
    Fall Leaves, 100 votes
    Fun Stars, 125 votes
    Blue Flames, 150 votes
    Waterdrops, 175 votes
    Puzzle Pieses, 200 votes
    White Feathers, 225 votes
    Pink Butterflies, 250 votes
    Dolphy, 275 votes
    Dolphy Panels, 300 votes
    Smoke, 350 votes
    Colorful ♂, 400 votes
    Colorful ♀, 450 votes
    (´*(|)*') , 500 votes

    Dolphy race guide, Jul 20, 2010, 2:10 PM,, 641


    Dorufirumu personal space and Dorufiresu race manual


    As many of you already know Japanese Home got nice Hudson Dolphin race and personal space update last Thursday. Many of us have been spending all our free time in there trying to make some sense in to the JP menu madness and collect the missing rewards.

    Please feel free to post all helpful info on Dolphin race and raising you find in this thread so we have it all collected in one place.

    Here for starters:

    Basic information of the race are already available in many sites and you can always use google translator to translate the Hudson official pages found at:

    Basic idea is to bet on the dolphin you think will be the winner. There are 4 dolphin ornaments available for your apartments and they are given randomly to the race betting winners.

    If you purchase the personal space you can start raising up your own personal dolphin, witch can then later take part in the public Dorufiresu -races.
    Winning race rewards/ornaments mentioned above also gives you 3 different "Super food" for your own dolphin witch can only be feed to him once. At the start your dolphin is still a juvenile and can't do much else than swim and eat the food you provide him with. Later you can start training him for the races and customize the looks etc. I'm not that far with my own "ひ" dolphy so I can't go into any detail about those yet.

    Translation of the personal space 7 page instructions can be found in the in the official US forum at Please go to : Forums - PlayStation®Home - PlayStation®Home General - Irem Festival Square Prizes (at page 542 if you have 10 messages / page)

    Now to the confusing Japanese menus..
    The only I translated so far is the all confusing (auto)feeding panel menu.

    Dolphin Feeding:

    スピードフイツシユ - Speed (Blue Fish) adds +2 for speed (+1 for adults)
    The base speed of the Dolphin.

    スタミナフイツシユ - Stamina (Green Fish) adds +2 for stamina (+1 for adults)
    Stamina will decrease when going through each ring, this affects speed and it will eventually drop to zero.

    シャープフイツシユ - Sharpness (Purple Fish) +2 for sharp (+1 for adults)
    Higher value increases the probability of successful passage trough the rings.

    Reward Super Foods (Stars shaped) received by winning bets at the Hudson Gate lounge “Dorufiresu”.

    スーパースピードフイツシユ One time only Speed (Blue Star)
    Adds +3 for dolphin speed
    スーパー Super
    スピード Speed
    フイツシユ Fuitsushiyu (fisshu)

    スーパースタミナフイツシユ One time only Stamina (Green Star)
    Adds +3 for dolphin Stamina
    スーパー Super
    スタ sta
    ミナ mina
    フイツシユ Fuitsushiyu (fisshu)

    スーパーシャープ フイツシユ One time only Sharpness (Purple star)
    Adds +3 for dolphin Sharpness
    スーパー Super
    シャープ sharp
    フイツシユ Fuitsushiyu (fisshu)

    After feeding the Super “stamina” star I got a notification window with following text. It made me wonder if the content could have something valuable info. Here is rough translation I made using google etc. internet translation tools.

    Original contents:
    ひに本日だけ、 スーパース夕ミナフイッシュを与えま
    す。明日からは、 スタミナフイッシュが自動で与えら

    ひに本日だけ Today only collection day
    スーパース夕ミナフイッシユ Super Stamina fisshu
    を与えま す。 gift will increase growth.

    明日からは As of tomorrow
    スタミナフイッシュ Stamina fisshu
    が自動で与えられます. Automatically given by.

    Note. Only one portion of food will be counted for per day. So feeding it manually more than once has no effect what so ever. I assume the last food you feed him will stay as the active for that day?

    Be careful not to delete you lovely dolphin by accident (happened for us all few times at the start). Its still unclear what menu combination does that so I only use the ones I know to be secure.

    Regards, Satu
  2. satuli

    satuli Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2009
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    Hi again,

    I had really nice surprise waiting when I arrived home tonight.. My dolphin is so mature now ;) It has become adult during the day and I'm now able to start training it for the big races. Bye byes to my easy stat increases :( I'm not sure what is the ramp up to the adulthood, my "ひ" now has Speed 8, Stamina 6 and Sharp 6.

    Dolphy race guide, satuli, Jul 20, 2010, 5:14 PM,, jpg, pshome20100720-181037.jpg
  3. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Great work hun, really well done and mega helpfull :)
  4. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Here is the 4 rewards you get via winning races within the game space.

    Dolphy race guide, C.Birch, Jul 20, 2010, 7:35 PM,, jpg, 4l.jpg Dolphy race guide, C.Birch, Jul 20, 2010, 7:35 PM,, jpg, 2l.jpg
    Dolphy race guide, C.Birch, Jul 20, 2010, 7:35 PM,, jpg, 1l.jpg Dolphy race guide, C.Birch, Jul 20, 2010, 7:35 PM,, jpg, 3l.jpg
  5. satuli

    satuli Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2009
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    Some more info on the "Super fisshu".. You will still receive them from the race's even after the original 3 have been used and your dolphin has grown up. They just lose some power and only give +2 per day for your adult dolphin.
  6. satuli

    satuli Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2009
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    Small update on what we have gathered so far..

    Everything might not be absolutely correct because some of the info was gathered from our Japanese friends and we're not able to confirm how correct they are.

    For example the maximum sum of all properties your dolphin can have is 30? (e.g. 10 + 10 + 10 or 15 + 5 + 10 etc.).
    This is not confirmed but I assume it to be true for now.


    You can start racing with your dolphin immediately she is adult. The race is started from the main panel (the one you see straight in front of you when entering the apartment) by selecting your dolphin name and pressing triangle button of your controller. You then chose one of the 3 top items to enter the race from the sub menu. Its still unclear to me what they really mean but I assume you should pick the one your dolphin has best points on?.
    Your dolphin will then exit the space and you should head to the Hudson "Dorufiresu" public space, your dolphin will follow you there. When you enter the actual game area trough thee 'R' -gate you will receive a information window telling you if your pet has been picked to enter in the next race or not. The request to attend to the races will only stay active for one hour so you will have to renew it if your dolphin was not picked to race during that time.

    You will receive rewards and additional decorations from the races based on position and how many have picked your dolphin.. all of this is still unclear to me because mine only has done one start and no one (other than me) trusted in her :(

    Note.. After racing you can't access any of the panels and menus in your apartment the same day. Please handle all of your training, feeding etc. for that day before sending her to the race. You can only race once per day so be careful to pick a good time for it (many friends on line there to help).

    Here is rough translation of the Racing menu

    スピード重視 (先行逃げ切る)
    スピード speed
    重視 importance; stress; serious consideration
    (先行 preceding; going first; leading; going ahead;
    taking priority
    逃げ切る) to get away; to manage to hold on

    ス夕ミナ重視 ( 後半勝負)
    スタミナ stamina
    重視 importance; stress; serious consideration
    (後半 second half; latter half
    勝負) victory or defeat; match; contest; game; bout

    シャープ重視 (リングクりア)
    シャープ sharp
    重視 importance; stress; serious consideration
    (リング ring
    クりア) Kuri y

    レース参加をやめる Stop racing

    Have Fun :)
  7. satuli

    satuli Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2009
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    Lots of speculation here, but based on a discussion I over heard the other night, the disabled menu items are for your next Dolphy baby's. After raising yours to some set merits, witch are still totally unclear to me.. Maybe a certain number of wins? Getting the crown for yours? Attending to some set number of races? anything else I might have been missing?
  8. satuli

    satuli Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2009
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    OK confirmed now,
    You will get a lovely dolphy baby once your first one reaches maximum level (sum of all properties 30). Getting her can take a while, I got mine some 6h after ひ reached her max. Welcome ハイホー (Hi-Ho), hope she gets to be at least as good as her big sis ;)

    Dolphy race guide, Jul 20, 2010, 2:10 PM,, 641
  9. satuli

    satuli Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2009
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    Made translation of the race entry and victory windows..

    When your dolphy is accepted to compete in the next star you will see small window (all in your menu color) popping up. It will appear in the actual race area when you enter it or just before the dolphy's appear if you entered it before the dolphy's are there.

    Here is rough translation of the content:

    ひ Dolphy name
    が indicates sentence subject (occasionally object)
    レース race
    に indicates such things as location of person or thing,
    location of short term action, etc.
    出走 entry in a race; GP
    しま 1: island;
    2: territory
    す nest; rookery; breeding place; hive

    Note. No window or messages will be displayed if your dolphy was not selected to the current start.

    Here is translation of the victory certificate:


    Dolphy name

    Owner PSN ID

    「銅の王冠」 を入手しました。

    優勝 overall victory; championship

    ドルフイーの力スタマイズ Dolphin -Customize power
    ドルフィ Dolphy
    のか Power
    スタマイズ customize

    「銅の王冠」 を入手しました。
    「銅の王冠」 "The Copper Crown."
    を入手しました。 Was obtained.

    Dolphy race guide, Jul 20, 2010, 2:10 PM,, 641
  10. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
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    Nov 29, 2009
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    Congrats Satu! On winning with your dolphy AND the great info you have posted for us here!

    I got my first baby last night (Daphnie). Raced her mom (Flipper) but she came in dead last :(

    I hope I can change her stats with fish food (8-8-14 now).
  11. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
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    Nov 29, 2009
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    Changing My Dolphy's Stats

    My dolphy did poorly again last night. I tried to alter her stats with food but it doesn't seem to work.

    So I am deleting her and re-building her. Hope it doesn't affect the baby!
  12. satuli

    satuli Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2009
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    About choosing the race mode for your dolphy..
    Nearly confirmed you should pick the one your dolphy has the best skills on. My stats: ひ 12-8-10 races:
    Speed preference 2nd 2nd 2nd 1st 2nd. Sharpness: 6th 6th 7th. Might just be random or can it?
  13. satuli

    satuli Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2009
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    Resting times..

    ドルフイーテストコース Dolphy Test Course

    このドルフイ-は疲れているようです。 This Dolphy - It seems tired.
    しぱらくゆつ Some Time
    くろ休ませましょう。 Let rest back.

    The day resets at 09:00AM JST (01:00AM UK) so you actually can race your dolphy two times in a row if you want, by doing it just before and after the reset time ;)
  14. satuli

    satuli Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2009
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    My second dolphy called ハイホー (Hi-HO) reached her adulthood last night.. Shes still so baby, I don't expect her to win races anytime soon.

    The ring game has changed from the first one for her and I think the limit of good mood (singing) is 80+ points now (at least 76 was not enough and 82 is).

    Dolphy race guide, Jul 20, 2010, 2:10 PM,, 641
  15. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    I raced my new remade pet last night for its first time and it failed so bad, but i know it would to be true because it was so noob still.
  16. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
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    Nov 29, 2009
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    Keep trying CB! You'll get there. I just got my second win last night with Flipper. Daphnie had already won a race and got a crown.

    However, last night Flipper got a different crown! So I'm hoping my 3rd dolphy (Dani) gets a different one too!

    Dolphy race guide, Jul 20, 2010, 2:10 PM,, 641
    Daphnie001 by Kwoman32, on Flickr

    Dolphy race guide, Jul 20, 2010, 2:10 PM,, 641
    Flipper001 by Kwoman32, on Flickr
  17. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Well done on your pets winning :)
  18. the_fps

    the_fps Active Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    I had been hoping for a horse race game, like the arcade Sega makes, but this is so strange I really hope to try it. I used to have a Japan account when the PSN was not getting lots of content, but I dont remember my password :(

    Anyway, looks great, keep posting, I really dig the pics and video.
  19. satuli

    satuli Administrator
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    Nov 10, 2009
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    Killed my "Let's go" (レッツゴー) several times tonight. Because of my neglect she had gathered too much of the all unimportant sharpness (10) while I was away on my last holiday trip. I now decided to test a new tactics of going all for the speed. After numerous (25+) "re naming's" finally got her to 6-3-1 start stats. Let's see how she does on only speed food. Go reborn レッツゴー :)
  20. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Do you work at the cove :p hehe lets see how fast she goes pumped up on speed alone :)

    might make my new baby all sharp hehe
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