Hi all, a lot of you will know that we have a ShoutBox but also a full on chat system with chat room, what i want to know is your views on both and if you think the ShoutBox should be replaced with the chat room at the top of the forums. Chat room: Your PlayStation Home - Chat Rooms ShoutBox: http://www.yourplaystationhome.com/forum.php (Top of the forums list)
I think it 's better to have both. The shoutbox and the chatbox... it gives us both options. I like the shout box better for chatting personally.
Shoutbox (or Chatbox) for Public use when sign-in and Chat room on the bottom left for YPSH friends/buddy list kind of gathering chat and as for the right hand side IM chat is individual private chat...
Yeah the IM is staying no matter what, also added a chat link on top menu to the chat room now, so its not just hidden down the bottom left.
I like both of them. They have some remarkable features. I was wondering though why we have it visible to even lurkers?
Bring that one chatroom where you can draw and stuff back to the the main screen,I like it much better that way.