I finally got around to winning the Brimstone Poker Pants, last week. I love them and think they have a nice design. However, it is impossible to find shoes that you can wear with these pants. The pants bleed through every type of shoe, that I have tried on with them. I can't stand it and it drives me nuts, because it's like what's the point of winning them, when you can't wear them with shoes? I have oodles of shirts that go with them, but I can't use any of the shoes I own. I've even went browsing through the stores, to see if there are any shoes that will work and I always end up with a disappointing result. I would love to see the Brimstone Poker Pants get fixed, because they do look cool, they just need to be fixed at the bottom, so shoes can be worn with them. Yeah, it's an old item, but they would get used more, if they were fixed up better. I know I really want to use them, but I'm not going to, if I can't wear the shoes I want to with them. I want them fixed.
Shoes are an issue with many things especially skinny jeans. They'd be better to make them shorter than to have them glitch. I haven't worn these in awhile so I don't remember the problem.
Second life use a trimming system to shorten the length of clothing, so you can adjust neck, arms, legs waist on tops and waist on bottoms now that would be useful
depending on which avi im in, i either use sandals or Heels for the Brimstone Poker pants when i wear em. other than that, i rarely wear em or see em worn
The only shoes I found that work with the Brimstone Poker pants are the red tartan pumps from Thread. Every other shoe other than sandals I tried with them glitched.