If i recall right from the Beta there is some tops that have a gun on your back from getting so many kills with a set type of gun.
Found the list of rewards. BOOTLEGGERS '29: Bootleggers '29 Shotgun Shirt reward [M/F]Attain 50 kills with the shotgun Gas Bomb Ornament Attain 10 kills in the game Bootleggers '29 Gloves [M/F] Rewarded on first entry to the space Barrel Chair Successfully capture the barrel 10 times Bootleggers '29 SMG Shirt reward [M/F]Attain 50 kills with the SMG Bootleggers '29 Rifle Shirt reward [M/F]Achieve 75 headshots with any weapon Bootlegger's '29 Poster Complete 5 rounds of Bootleggers
Cheers Carla :thumbsup: I was wondering what the reward requirements were, FPS arent my specialty but im finding it fun.
Updated the database with them at Home Hold Em rewards, slowly updating it with all the new rewards i have listed from in the beta of the spaces. But site upgrade/restore has taken all my time this week, because its not just this site i have to restore
I use this method: Have 4 people - 2 on one side, two on the other (or with 6 or 8 people, try to make them even on each side). Each player decides if they want to be killers and victims. I suggest a private 8/8 game so that no one will bother your kill streaks. Play a game and have the two victims not move from their spot through the entire game. Keep switching roles after each game to help out everyone, and have someone pick ONE victim to target so as not to kill the wrong person they want to kill - this is only for a 8/8 game. If you have 3 friends, however, they can be victims and you can shoot them both, but I suggest talking about it before playing the game to help each other out. Whatever you decide, the victims respawn at their home base so the killers should stick around there and find them flashing when they get on. Wait until the flashing ends, and kill the victim with a headshot with one of your special guns. Remember to replenish the same gun you used after you used all your bullets. Killers will need to equip with a special gun and use it to use headshots with. Remember, headshots can be used with any weapon, so this will better to use either shotgun or rifle to rack up the shotgun or rifle kills reward much faster. Once you get whatever shotgun or rifle shirt reward you earned, switch to the other special gun and rack up headshot kills with that gun. You should get the headshot reward after 15 kills from shooting people in the head, but keep using the other special gun for the other reward for the 50 kills.