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Aurora Level 99 Exploit: Report, Warning + a Request…

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Baron_Brain, Jun 30, 2011.

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  1. Yoshikawa

    Yoshikawa Active Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Any one that been to second sever is cheating too Dont tell me about spent money in home spent over 4,000 now. I spent a lot of time and money in home. Just because i dont want spend forever doing a game people going to hate on me. I bet any money you been in private sever before or visited winter wonderland in japan or when to TGI a week early. How many people used media go here but that all ok. How you think that was done by magic 0.0!
    I would have to do aurora for Japan Eu Hk And Na I rather talk with friends then play that game that much but i am bad person for that >< level 99 wasn't perm only tempt and we didn't get the apt or any rewards pass level 80. So I still have to play and have been level 56 in north american level 37 in EU level 87 in japan.
  2. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    I have to say I have empathy for what your saying because home and some of it users do seem to hold rewards as the main reason to use home and have friends on home just purely to get rewards that they cant get by themselves, which again if your getting a friend to lose a game on purpose so you can achieve the reward, your cheating, you shouldnt feel like you need to have those rewards in the first place, so if you cant put the time and effort in to achieve something, you dont achieve it, I wouldnt judge anyone on rewards, I actually think its quite sad when someone says im lvl 100 aurora in four regions, because its obvious they have no friends, but by cheating a freemium game, you will cause more maintenance time to fix the issues and possibly give access to more sinister types that wanna do harm to everyone, shouldnt be that way but it is, in a perfect world the hacks wouldnt be there for anyone to exploit, no high horses no hating, just remember dont lower yourself to cheating over stupid virtual rewards that go into storage, I thought aurora was tedious when I was getting rewards every 5 levels when you gotta do 80 levels before you win anything thats gotta be hard
  3. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    The terms glitchers/cheaters/hackers/thief can overlap in what they do, but these terms somewhat do have different meanings in terms of damage. Most people should know the difference so I won't be writing that part.

    Anyway, so perhaps these people who find exploits are spending time and money in Home, but that doesn't mean the companies that are supporting Home are getting the credit where it's due. Finding an exploit usually takes only a few people and the time and money invested to find that exploit doesn't mean it's used in Home. (equipment, tools, software, etc) The purpose of these "time consuming games" usually are to make people buy upgrades. If say there was a method to cheat for those time consuming point games, don't you think "most" of the people will pass on those items, and use the cheat and be over with? The space will probably be empty in a few days also. Companies are working hard investing in Home to make a revenue. If people don't support it, then they'll either change what they are doing or just have to leave Home. These reward hunters will probably argue "companies should bring more items that people will want to buy". OK sure, companies will start shifting to bringing only paid items, rather than bringing games to home. Is that what we really want? (yes, some games are boring, but not all are)

    Granzella most probably have been a victim of this recently. They notice it, saw people were taking advantage, saw their revenue go down the drain, so they decided to close down the place ASAP. Granzella is a startup company and doesn't have the luxury like Irem where it was supported by a big company. Perhaps they should just become like Lockwood, produce only items, and stop making lounges and games.
  4. Yoshikawa

    Yoshikawa Active Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    if ndream come out with an item to make me level 100 for 19.95 or even more I buy it tomorrow. Have no problems supporting developers. I have every paid item from grazella. Gave Irem 30,000 yen. I just dont want spent all my time in home level up to get rewards. To anyone that does i respect you but we all dont have will power to do that or the skills. I be willy to paid developers money so i could get all the rewards without doing anything. Only with really hard game of course like: Novas Prime or Aurora, Japan Monster and Fishing Pole, and Pevkox would be part of this list if wasn't thanks to recca getting my rewards for me ty recca ^_^
  5. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Aurora for myself takes about 3 days time just get get 2000 in total in-space AND by the personal space I had bought (including the Aurora jacket upgrade), that being around level 80 or so. It takes time, yes, but that is the only way I have to go without cheating myself. I do have dedication, but honestly it is time-consuming and I would rather not be finding ways to cheat myself, unless the developers decided to make another purchasable upgrade that'll make the higher levels easier.

    But, on the other hand, isn't time-consuming on your favorite game and not knowing what reward you will get every 5 levels supposed to be fun and enjoyable?
  6. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    No long, drawn out attempts at justifying hacking and/or cheating are necessary....sadly, it's simply some people wanting virtual items so badly in Home, that they will do whatever it takes, no matter what the means or potential impact to themselves or others, to get them the easiest and fastest way. A baffling addiction indeed.
  7. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    That's the main issuse that really bugs me.
  8. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Perhaps they should, but if other internet social games are an indication of price, it'll probably cost you near $100 to 1000 just to let you finish these kind of stuff instantly without playing. Yeah, Home isn't like those, so don't take my word on it. But on the otherhand, I don't want Home to turn like that.
  9. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    thing is most of these people wouldnt obtain items by cheating in they real lives because we know its theft basically, so we go to work to earn money to buy the items we want, if we cant afford them we dont get them, we could go and cheat them from somewhere but its wrong, so why do we feel the need to steal virtual items, and I certainly wouldnt beg for items, you would be well and truly gutted if your account got a permanent ban for 20 odd rewards. A baffling addiction totally.
  10. shaunm2

    shaunm2 Member

    Jun 3, 2011
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    I had to chime in on this one. I have ONLY 1 account and that is a NA account. I am only level 80 on Aurora and I have paid for all the upgrades as well as owning the personal space. Part of it taking so long is to make you appreciate the rewards once you get them more. Using illegal shortcuts does nothing more than make those of us that have actually earned our spot and position look bad.
  11. Aiken_Drum

    Aiken_Drum Fish Act Explosion

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Please don't put words in my mouth.
  12. Yoshikawa

    Yoshikawa Active Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    You mean to tell me none of you never used a private sever i find this hard to believe. If ever been in empty space that would be pack another day you go there that a private sever and that is "cheating" and it exploit just like this level up

    I know many of you "cheated" For fishing game in japan the one with the tank.(By killing the sever by waiting for long periods of time or using a ps.) How many of you play ufo game with only you playing that not because sever dead that because in ps created by an exploit. You look down at me for so called "cheater" How many people used media go when still worked for those purses or the fairy helmet.

    It not even perm it was tempt was away when changed your dsn. I asked you if someone came up to you said if changed your dns to this you can be level 99 in this really hard game. How many of you said no. I know for sure none of you said no to winter wonderland in japan or the Tokyo game Show space a week early. How do we think that was done. Exploit not by magic.

    Sony has never banned for items in scea since 1.15 or scee since 1.35. Scej still does i think not too sure. But even Glasswalls know about this exploits has for years go asked him. Tell us just keep items to your self collecting is fine.(Yes even other region items on one account).It only a beta if believe or not this help sony.There now better with patching and there no more exploits for points or levels lefted. Besides the private sever one you all used at one time
  13. Yoshikawa

    Yoshikawa Active Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    @Aiken_Drum Not trying to really. But if didn't know it was exploit and thought it was glitch in system or a trick would you do it then?
  14. Yoshikawa

    Yoshikawa Active Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Would be worth it you do understand. I spent about 4,000 on home already right
  15. Aiken_Drum

    Aiken_Drum Fish Act Explosion

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I don't think I've done any of the things you've listed. I did the aquarium twice, and each time took me weeks.

    Again: Don't make assumptions about my behavior and then state them as fact in order to support what you do. Even if you find something I do (hey, I'm not perfect), it doesn't matter, because two wrongs don't make a right. No amount of finger-pointing and saying "BUT, BUT, BUT," will change that.

    (In fact... defending yourself by trying to incriminate the rest of us shows me that you know it was not okay.)

    I'm serious, Yoshi. Please don't defend yourself by putting words in my mouth. I do appreciate the many things you've done that have helped me out, and you're fun in home, but I don't appreciate you saying these things. I have limited free time, too, but I find ways to get things done. Sometimes it just takes longer... sometimes a lot longer. I don't like it when anyone makes it sound like I didn't put in the hours for what I earned.
  16. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Would be worth it you do understand. I spent about 4,000 on home already right[/QUOTE] home is fast becoming an over complicated face book game as it is, dont need anyone thinking they could charge loads just to get rewards and lvl 100, without playing game, why on earth anyone thinks that aurora lvl 100 is that good or important is beyond me, id rather spend loads on friends than loads on getting rewards and lvl 100 by not a playing game, rewards have no value so should never be placed above friends or your own ethics
  17. Scaper

    Scaper Guest

    +0 /0
    I've gotten lvl 74 so far using only orb runner... Going to be at least 6 months before I get 99.
  18. martinsonj

    martinsonj Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    I think it's pretty interesting that most of your defense revolves around this 'private server' nonsense . Just becasue you abused private servers doesn't mean everyone else did. You can't even assume everyone has done at at least once, like you are so sure of. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't even know how to set up a private server to begin with.

    But here's the thing, even if you explained how to do it now, I still wouldn't sink to cheating. You need to wrap your mind around the idea that there are people out there that, even presented with a chance to cheat with little or no risk, they still won't do it. It's not even risking getting banned.. it's about having standards. Character.

    Why is character important? Let me give you a little example. You said you spent $4,000 in Home? I can assure you that, after your most resent posts, the number of people that actually believe that (if any) is much lower now. Cheating and lying are closely related you see.

    From now on, any accomplishment you make here, peoeple will have to take with a grain of salt. "Did Yoshi really earn it?" "Did Yoshi really pay for that?", "Yoshi doesn't really live in Japan does he?", etc.

    Are you starting to get the bigger picture now? Sure, you've gained some free virtual items, but think about what you've lost in the process.
  19. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Ok people lets try and not get personal with each other over this. End of the day Sony picked to patch it so move on and dont blame each other when a few used it for bad others used it for fun, problem is them few cast a image over the others.

    what i have a problem is, is them few that claim to be helping, if true you would report it to Sony and not use for personal gain for eg selling membership to hidden forums for hacks and glitching, if you where helpping community again why hide the info and make people pay. Itd just self gain and its them that cast the bad image on the rest.
  20. Yoshikawa

    Yoshikawa Active Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    I dont appreciate being call a cheater either :(
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