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Let's hope we can get some good news tomorrow, about how they are improving security and when psn can finally be put back online. (it will be 0600 BST for uk tomorrow. Daylight savings in effect )
after more then a week finally a news conference !!! WTF tuck them so long ? What I write here now is so not in my nature but ========= Edited out =========
There is still no point to getting mad other than the service being denied for over a week. Yes, it's a little scary that our information has been taken and we don't know what it is, but in all honesty if you're on any social networking sites or have ever bought anything online you're stuff is out there anyway. I may be a little more forgiving than most, but I will wait for what Sony can confirm as stolen and just take the proper precautions such as changing my password on my accounts and monitoring my statements (which I do already.). This is not new people. If you do anything on the internet, your information is out there... NO MATTER HOW CAREFUL YOU ARE.
I may be one of the few who say this, or I may speak for a majority of us, I really don't know. The only thing I do know, is that I love PlayStation,and Sony, and SNEA. I have made so many friends via PSN and PS Home that even if there is no freebie or anything else given to us upon our return to the network I would be fine with it. I look at it as the fact that we have a free network to game, get together on, and just all around hang with friends on without paying (unless you want to ) for is reward enough. I can't wait for PSN to come back on line, I will be ready, willing, and anticipating the first chance I can jump into PS Home. I have my PSN cards at the ready!:w00t:
I must agree goody 2 shoes. PS3 is the way gaming should be. No security system is 100% Unfortunately. There is always a way, just depends on how dedicated someone is. Regardless it doesn't change how great Sony is and what they done for the industry. I hope people realize that. And I hope Sony is ready to go forward with the consumer in mind.
I'm Back for a second go at this Here we are a week or more down. No PShome, no friends to communicate with like we did on a daily basis. I miss it so badly and what I been reading about all this, it seems everyone is against Sony. Well don't, they are losing as much if not more than we are. Some say they fell asleep at the wheel, some say it's because Sony did not protect us very well. I am sorry everyone I still love Sony still will be back on line with them, strongly supporting them. Crap happens people! Get over it. We all must stick together in this. I know some of you out there think I'm just a stupid woman who hasn't got a clue or a brain but you are wrong. I know what it's like to have to keep vigilant and updating against virus's and hackers. PShome was ment to be a social networking for people like you and me. We need this, to help us unwind, be free to do things we may not be able to do in real life. It's a game but we are real people behind our avatars. We use them to be what we want them to be. Sony has given us a "free" invironment to play in. Games, prizes, all in one place free for us. Does Xbox? no Does WII? no Does Playstation? yes. We buy what we want to buy, we earn prizes playing the games in here. How much is this worth to you?For me, it is priceless. I live in constant severe pain every moment of my life for the rest of my life and PShome helps keep my mind occupied instead of the pain being all consuming. I'm going nuts over not being able to be on home chatting with my friends, playing games just haveing a good time. I know I'm jumping all around different subjects but I'm feeling just that. Upset about not being able to be back on home and not knowing when we can get back on.I have ranted against the hackers and extold(I know I misspelled it) the good of Sony and I don't know how to end this.How about just the one word, later.
I think a good analogy for PSN and Home is Swiss Cheese. You can see lots of good tasty cheese, or you can see holes. Sony created something incredible. But it feels like halfway they declared it "good enough" and chose to focus on making profit. Unfortunately, there were some big holes left over. And Sony's reputation just took a dive into one of them. But they can overcome that. They just need to man up, take responsibility. Millions of us just ordered a new credit card because of them, and we still have to be wary of identity phishing. they have to make amends, and FIX their servers and security so it never happens again... then they will be back to normal. And even better.
Sony should've realized much of their software a lot sooner than throwing it out to the public - the YLOD in the very old 20GB/60GB systems, their updates not working right, and now hacking amongst weakened security. If this doesn't shake their senses in repairing this kind of damage, I don't know what will...
If anyone is interested, I saw that there's a new design for new hardware for the ps3 filed with the FCC. probably to patch the security hole Geohot made.
[MENTION=635]karen1[/MENTION] I "liked" what you had to say because I liked what you had to say. @FF, I think I might have posted a link in the other thread about the new design for new hardware for the ps3 filed with the FCC.
Been looking with Google Chrome for, etc. or something so I could use google to translate any transcripts about it when posted. I give up. I don't think I want to see the briefing in Japanese, but if I had a link I might watch? Maybe best to wait for Reuters Japan to post something after the fact. I'm not sure just how much info will be gleamed anyway. :dry: ;D (nope) ;D (nope) ;D (nope) Does not have an English translation yet... Also the forgot password box is no longer on the sign in page again. Not good for us...