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Thank you! Excellent work! And very timely too. You probably heard how Adobe has been abandoning flash on mobile devices. So this makes your database all set for the future! I am so so glad to be able to search alphabetically. That will be a very useful heavily used new feature. It seems just what I wanted. Love the user supplied tips for each reward too. I can report that all is working well on my iPad. I briefly looked up a few things on iPad and it worked perfectly.
Quick one for you all. If you could narrow the reward items down to find items what area's would you like to be able to narrow them by? EG: Item Type, Availability.
This is awesome--very well done. Thank you for all of the time and effort that you put into making things so convenient and easy to use. There really are only certain people who would be willing to put so much of themselves into doing something like this site for the benefit of so many others.
Carla, the first way i look is always for most recent. Then I usually think alphabetical by the event or game. I think those are the main two. And the bulk of searches will be done that way. But occassionally you might have someone looking for a good free chair. Or a free shirt. Or hand item. You might also make a wearable vs furniture search limiter. Also you might want to exclude items that aren't available anymore in a search.
Many thanks Be much better when i get all the data added and a total new part to it that might get added.
So much effort just for the iBads. :beam: I guess its still getting all its info from the same database. :/ There was deff' room for improvment; I just feel sorry for the adobe folks ....its a topsy turvy world.
Its a total new database whats now mysql driven and not from 4 XML files. Thats why i have to enter all the data from the old to the new item by item by hand, plus it holds other type of information and why im doing it im also checking for any errors or missing items/images. The move was not based on the news about Flash but based on community feedback and why some systems like A-Z and deep linking could be added to the old database i picked to start a new system that as more room and freedom to add new systems and information