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So new Sodium 2 content means more items to buy? :whistling: The double XP offer is worthwhile, at least. Woolen Wonders and diner furniture...cute but I'll pass.
Just in time for summer, woolen winter clothes! :huh: Well I guess all those pining for more conservative clothing will be able to snap these up and having something to wear in Home. My sudden fondness for predicting has me thinkiing we'll see hardly anyone wearing these and for a very brief period. But at least they're putting out conservative clothing. yay. I do actually think they look very nice, just not my type of thing.
I love the new sweaters very nice ooh we are getting new high heels for our dresses good! I havent seen any of my friends with those glitter shoes way to go Lockwood listen to us
Still no double XP points at S2 in EU. Still not seen a single person wearing the winter woolen wear yet.
Because they're peddling it as summer woollen wear. Go figure. I guess they couldn't sell it during the spring for unfortunately obvious reasons.