Article: EXCLUSIVE : YPSH member & PS Home user, Danikaa-G brings her clothing design You can view the page at!
Go green Elmo! Claire gets Green, Joanna gets Black and I can't wait for additional stuff from her line over time. Here is her website link. You can buy these clothes in real life too! u love green - ethical and organic lingerie
Check out the items up close in this video below [video=youtube;lFb0f3BfgXg][/video]
Congrats Dani! ;D. Im looking forward to buying the green bundle, I love your designs, continue to make more on the way!
Great to see not only more clothes based on real clothes but based on ones designed by an actual Home user, congrats Dani ;D and another great interview too.
I am so amazed by how Dani has gotten her real line of clothes into PS Home. Codeglue really went above and beyond with bringing her creations to us in home. It's also wonderful to see something new and exctiting as well as the message that ULoveGreen also sends with their clothing. I cannot wait to get the bundles once they hit this week and also look forward to seeing what may come from Dani in the future not only in home but also in her real fashions as well.
Check out the video of the interview in full and if you like count Karens typeos [video=youtube;JXEjBIdt3Ls][/video]
Congratulations Dani! And Great Job On Another Interview Karen .. This Line Is Really Cute! I Want The Off The Shoulder Tops I Will Definitely Get One Of The Bundles .. Most Likely Black
Dani's story is one PlayStation Home should be proud of. Instead, they chose to ignore it in NA, EU and Asia blogs. It is beyond anyone's comprehension why they would do this and they are not talking. Very disturbing.
well i think because best clothes ever but since Gw asskisser didn't get dibs didn't mention on the blog is what i think Best clothes in home so cute ^_^ was supirse eu didnt mention either thou :/
I had to watch the interview again just missing home but Congrats to Miss Dani for getting into this market this opens the door for me and other women who love home to design clothes for this wonderful platform of gaming I will shoyld my support by wearing the black dress very nice I like