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New FREE Audi Apt.??? I'm so there! Looks like I'll be running after eggs and playing Aurora everday now
Wahooo!! I love everything Audi has done and released in EU Home...the spaces, the hats, the shirts, all the free items--just pure quality. Sounds like we will be able to race against each other in the new apt. too, which is waaaay cool! Time to get together with some of you and win those suits! lol
damn.. i dont have the audi sled ornament yet.. gonna miss out on it like the piano.. good quality games but too difficult.. >.<
I'm loving this update. New Sodium and new Audi Apartment! Wow! It doesn't say whether the apartment will be a reward or purchase item. Hmmm...hopefully reward. I still tend to think that the original Audi Apartment is the best single reward on Home. EDIT: The EU Blog says, "Oh, and we’ve thrown in a free brand new apartment for everyone. Just pick up the free Audi Sled apartment from Home Square, Audi Home Terminal or Audi Alpine Lodge, invite your mates to the apartment for a race, and off you go." Cool
there's no mention of that being removed, in fact it states that you will be rewarded the apartment by going there so it isn't being removed, not yet anyway
i really like Audi stuff in PS Home, but i remember the piano game was way too hard for me so i never won that cute red dress, neither the piano