With the PSN outage I missed out on getting my golden egg from The Baron's Eggcellent Plan until after Easter Sunday. Silly me, I thought I had plenty of time. I've tried setting the date back to April 24th on my PS3 and entering Home but still no joy. Is there a way to get the Easter chicks still? The egg clock claims that it's "bound to hatch" but I'm having my doubts. I could wait for next year but does anybody know a way to get them now? Is it likely to even work next year? All help appreciated.
I believe you just need to start the game and you will get a new item notification. I got mine yesterday on my EU account and my friends have theirs from the US as well.
Yes, they follow you around. I was freaking people out by saying I named them Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Midnight Snack. :roflmao:
Yes they do. I unlocked them before the outage. They're a companion, so they follow you around and then sit down close together all cute-like. Edit: LOL Zero.
they've fixed it already, that's good. I got it before the outage, but got some friends that are still after it. Cheers for that info Zero XD
Yup, that worked perfectly. Thanks very much for the info. I didn't even need to set the date back, I just started the game again and they were awarded. I'd tried looking at the egg clock, sitting on the egg clock and all sorts when all I needed to do was go back into the game. Doh! Thanks again. I now have goslings!
ENOZ RULES!!!!! [video=youtube;VqafnA66FjU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqafnA66FjU[/video] btw, that singer (Haruhi) in that video has quite a following in Japan and the anime community around the world. She's famous. I suspect that a fan of Haruhi within Irem made the Haruhi bunny suits for Japan Home. Click here for a YPSH thread with alot more video links of this game