Hiya folks here in the YPSH forum. Just to give you all a heads up below quoted email prove is the Amazon.com/HOME Helghast jetpack promo pre-order code email being send today Feb. 22nd, 2011. Check your Junk mail box just in case it appears there or straight to your email in-box from Amazon.com. " Let them choose from millions of items › Amazon.com Gift Cards Your Amazon.com Today's Deals See All Departments [FONT=verdana,arial,sans-serif] Dear Amazon.com Customer, The Amazon Video Games team thanks you for your order of Killzone 3. Now it's time to get you your bonus codes. Here are your bonus codes: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX and XXXX-XXXX-XXXX The first code will give instant access to 3 Unlock Points to use on the weapon or ability of your choice, and also includes the Killzone 3 Retro Map Pack, featuring two of the most popular maps from Killzone 2. The second code will unlock the Helghast Jetpack for your PlayStation Network Avatar. How to Use Your Codes: Step 1: Open an account on the PlayStation Network (or use an existing account). Step 2: Select "Account Management" from the "PlayStation Network" icon on the XMB (XcrossMediaBar). Step 3: Select "Redeem Codes." Step 4: Enter the first promotional code found above. Please note that the promotional code is case sensitive and must be entered exactly. Step 5: Once the promotional code has been entered correctly click "Continue." Once you accept the terms you will be taken to the download screen. Step 6: Repeat steps 4 - 5 with the second code found above. Thank you for your continued support of Amazon.com/games. ~Amazon.com Video Games Editors Also, each claim code is unique and can't be shared." [/FONT]