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A thank-you note from HomeStation Magazine

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by NorseGamer, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. NorseGamer

    NorseGamer Member

    Jan 11, 2011
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    Many of you have already read this note on the Sony forum; however, there are some who use this forum exclusively, and I want to reach out to you.

    One week ago, HomeStation Magazine released its first issue. We announced it here, wondering what sort of reception it would get.

    ...And the reception was beyond anything we could have possibly hoped for!

    Our website, which hasn't even been up and running for two months, has already logged thousands of unique visitors and well over 20,000 page views. And the magazine itself recorded a staggering number of downloads -- far in excess of anything we'd projected.

    And so, this is a personal note to you. A note of gratitude.

    The feedback you gave us, after reading our first issue, is being implemented. Issue #2, presently in layout, will reflect what you shared. We listened to you, we took a lot of notes, and we're hard at work making our next effort even better. We also have a remarkable assortment of stories which we think you'll find insightful and entertaining.

    Speaking of stories:

    Have you been back to our website, recently? We've been adding new content to the website every day, so there's a brand-new lineup of stories for you to enjoy, including a game review by Amir29 and a special guest contribution from HearItWow! HSM is very, very flattered to feature their work.

    (As an aside, if you would like to see your artwork or writing in HSM, either as a team member or guest contributor, we'd love to hear from you! There are some very talented people on this forum whom I'd love to publish. Please note that many of the HSM team members also work with other groups -- the Gazette, the Homelings, etc. -- so there's no exclusivity requirement to only work with HSM. Far from it. The more involved we are in the community, the better!)

    On behalf of the voices of HSM:

    MJG74 -- Art Director
    Cubehouse -- Web Designer
    Hibana -- Advertising Editor
    gmbluedestiny -- Artist & Team Writer
    Razorbax -- Artist & Team Writer
    Stryctnin -- Artist & Team Writer
    Aeternitas33 -- Team Writer
    Amir29 -- Team Writer
    Burbie52 -- Team Writer
    Cynella -- Team Writer
    Dj_Tenchu -- Team Writer
    Keara22HI -- Team Writer
    SealWyf -- Team Writer

    And with special thanks to:

    HearItWow -- Special Guest Contributor
    Olivia_Allin -- Guest Contributor
    Terra_Cide -- Guest Contributor

    I want to thank you, deeply, for your patronage and support. HSM is a Sony-positive and Home-positive publication, and we hope to be an entertaining and intellectually-evocative voice serving the community for a long time to come.

    Written from the HomeStation,
  2. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
    Valued Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    Great first issue! You have a great staff. Best of luck with all your future issues!
  3. crow6828

    crow6828 i'm not crazy really

    Jan 5, 2011
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    congrats norse and everyone that works there :). you guys just keep doing what you are doing and i know i will continue to check it out.
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