(Heather) Ya know i was just thinking, why haven't our defences evolved? I mean everything has, even the pervs *most are called Fams* Sure they can throw animated kittens at us & tell us it's alright after we got stabbed in the virtual eye with PM messages all day but haven't they figured out not everyone is the social butterfly they make them out 2 be. Maybe some ppl are here just 2 enjoy a virtual outing with friends & not be trounced on by backwards apes yelling FOLLOW ME! I suppose u could let all those stray friend requests & messages pill up & delete them at the end of the day, but what are the chances ur not deleting a friend's important cries for help along with the stray messages of some guy sending u photos of his junk. Where's my setting 4 spam blocking. Setting like Receive messages from 1. everyone 2. Just your friends & administrators 3. Just administrators Brilliant, someone should think that up, OH WAIT they've already have they're called forums. So why doesn't PShome include that ?