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  1. Nerzhul
    "Fantastic Showcase!!!"
    Pros - A lot of pics! Great story!
    Cons - none
    I like dragons and this should be made into a video game! Saw this too at a gamer site.
    1. Dino
      "Magically entertaining !!!"
      Pros - Great story line. Wish I could be there. It would make a great game.
      Cons - Wish it was a bit longer.
      K.H likes this.
      1. luuk
        K.H likes this.
        1. K.H
          "Love the pics! great story !"
          Pros - beautiful pics and excellent storyline
          Cons - wish there was a videogame to go along with the storyline
          just awesome
          1. x-x_KIA_x-x
            "Brilliant :)"
            K.H likes this.