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  1. Fancoy
    "Warm and intimate place"
    Pros - Romantic
    Cons - Interactiveness
    Pretty cute to be for free
    1. kwoman32
      "Another re-skin"
      Pros - It's a reward so it's free for doing "challenges" everyday for a couple of weeks.
      Cons - They dumped the wallpaper function (from the original) Would it have been to much to ask to have left it in? I don't expect much for free rewards but this is just a re-skin. With Home being so slow as it is, this is just another space i will never use and it will slow me down even more (if that's possible).
      If you don't have many spaces, go for it. It's free, but for a few bucks there are MUCH better spaces to be had.
      Rustbukkit likes this.