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MyGym Equipment Bundle

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    Train on your MyGym - Equipment to reach a new level of fitness. Each new level you reach will earn you tokens. You can spend the tokens to get the rewards in the MyGym Token Store.<br><br>

    Each piece of MyGym equipment trains a different sets of muscles. Increasing your fitness level on one machine will not raise it for the others.

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Recent User Reviews

  1. Shaundi
    "Ok for the asking price"
    Pros - Cost, ease of use, rewards for use.
    Cons - High slot usage, slow progress for rewards, not machinima friendly.
    As far as basic active items go this is quite a nice item at a fairly low cost and rewards are almost always welcome.

    Where the items fail is in the actual reward system, forcing the user to play daily for little end reward or buy fairly high priced tokens.

    It seems this reward system is what pushes up the slot limit and personally I'd have been happy with lower slot usage and just a basic active item with no mini game involved.
    C.Birch likes this.
    1. C.Birch
      "Let down"
      Pros - The items have a nice design and interface.
      Cons - Very slow progress to be made, can only play once a day with each item, no photo support, eats up 20 slots.
      The idea could have been great, and why the interface is nice the items have been let down greatly by the lack of usability and features like being able to take photo's.

      The slow progress to be made also add's the the problems, even more so when it comes to the lack of top rewards to earn, based on most being the same item in a new colour.

      Want the rewards? you be better off just buying tokens from the store and i can not help but feel that is the thinking behide making the reward progress so slow.

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