- Style
How do you rate the style and design of this space?Interactiveness
How do you rate the space's Interactiveness?Value
Do you find this space gives you good value for money?Overall
How would you rate this space overall?
Check out the full list of features that this PlayStation Home personal space supports or does not support.Wall Hangings
This space does not support Wall Hangings.- Editable Wallpaper
This space does not support editable wallpaper.
- Home Rewards
This space has rewards to win.Video Screen
This space has 4 video screen.- Interactive Lights
This space does not support interactive lights.- Day & Night
This space does not support day & night.
This space comes with the following mini-games.
Storm AceOther Interactive Systems
This space comes with the following interactive systems.
Seats, Hot Tub
This item costs the following to buy in the below regions.12.996.497.99--
This item was released in the following regions on the below dates.7th March 20127th March 2012Not ReleasedNot ReleasedAdd Mediaadd your images*Contains images from YPSH Media Gallery Album: SuperStar - Jetsetter Private Plane.
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