Separate names with a comma.
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Franni, you forget to add your avatar!^^
ok second try to post image from imageShack..... ID: SORROW-US Region: U.S.A Pic: [IMG]
that's great!!! i'll try to post soon a picture!^^ thanks for your amazing contributions to our comunity !
My contribution: to the left at the right! the angel => Archangel the prettyboy => Ludovik the lill'black short girl => Fielau (alias...
i think i try to participate! i love psn cards!^^
hellooooooo YPSH!^^ all clear for me! (us and euro account) thks for the small party at carla's clubhouse yesterday!I HAVE A SCOOP : today it's...
Hello, johanna! please can you tell us where find this beach outfit in USA? i'm looking for it since yesterday, but i can't find....(...
It's still unbelievable that a feast like Halloween, a native of United States of America I recall to your recollection, have could be so...
Hello! j am pleased to announce that the Flashmob has been a huge success! 3 servers were saturated and a fourth at half filled!everything went...
I would like to clarify that this is EUROPEAN flashmob! knowing that the public spaces that can accommodate 64 persons only, it is very likely...
hum i like dance with a partner: tango Valses rock...
FINALLY!! I could meet carla last night during a impromptu party at his club! I want to thank you, carla, for accepting me and my friends V and...
just wait another 15 years, and you get them ... on the USA ^ ^
To be very frank, when I ve seen you, your avatar was sleeping ^ ^! yes it hurt, I know, I cheat a bit ^ ^ hihihi!
my contribution, excuse me if i haven't understand the subject or if it is the wrong thread.... kisses! [IMG]
hello everyone! I created with the help of a friend a fashion thread, on a modest forum ... the lady runaway fashion inspires me a lot, I...