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I really hope those outfits are brought to the other regions!
I managed to download all the items without trouble :D. It's a good selection and even though I buy alot, I didn't have any of those things....
It's not an instant solution I agree - but as a last resort you can always teleport away and load into another instance of that area.
I actually liked Saints Row 2 for the same reason I like Home - great customisation options. The fact that gender was no barrier for items was...
I am surprised at the amount of people that don't use the report function. I don't know how effective it is - but it's there and should be used.
I am really liking the look of that dress :) hopefully there'll be more in a similar vein in future.
Castlevania isn't really doing many favours for its female avatar fans. The previous outfit looked bizzare - seeing as they took Laura and...
The initial 3 points code.
Has anyone got the code yet? I got mine, but it doesn't seem to work. Not sure if it's time delayed, or just plain invalid :(
The Conspiracy game looks very interesting. I like the use of the name Ausin Milbarge in there as well :o Nice to know who ever made that...
The beta ends today and I thought it was great while it lasted. Only MMO i've ever subscribed to before was FFXI, DCU looks like it may be my...
I used the UK store since the start and only switched about 3 months ago and while the UK has finally started to get some of the US content, it's...
My favourite item is probably the female Angel Wings from Darksiders. :)
I can understand being underwhelmed by PSN+, but PSN? What's to feel cheated about - it's a free service that has lots of great games and Home. If...
The smile will still be there...if you want it. I for one am glad to see it go. I don't mind smiling, but not permanatly :D
All the t-shirts are going in! :) And a lot of the silly hats too I think.I hope at the very least they do the same xmas event. Something new...
Thanks for the heads up. Looks like I'll wait a while to get that one. :)
The original was the only one I've played too :) How is the new one? I saw a friend playing it a little and it certainly looks nice. I have a...
The best thing here for me is the wardrobe update - I hated having a wardrobe full of loads of items that I never wore! made it a hassle when I...
I'd like to Join - PSN is Varunastra