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Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
Home square is not in my navigator,, help?
Im A Level 30 Sorcery Healer And Picked Martial Arts, But Now That Im Starting To Do T1 And T2 Duos And Alerts, I Need Mana And To Not Get Hurt So...
I Saw In The Internet A Web Site Where You Download Something And U Transfer That File Onto Your PS3 And You Get Lots Of Items In Home,, And I Was...
Theres no free items that i know of,, and that story,, its a work of art,, XD
Every One Is Invited To Talk About What Ever You Want Because I Would Be Proud To Have This In The Top Section In Forum,, Soo Yea,, TALK
Dont Let The Bed Bugs Bite! XDJust wanted to be last to say something..
I just looked at it and its 1.99? Any ideas?Nvm,, just read fireflys post,, guess im not and elite either ,, lol
O,, thanks men, i didnt know what it was,, XD
Any one know what the Dream List is? I Dunno if you eventually get them or if it is just like a to do list but isntead of do is buy,, XD. Any one...
Can some give me this weeks free items before its thrusday, if theres any
Hey guyss,, sorry for the Non-Playstation-Home question but i jut bought NFS Hot Pursuit and i was wondering ,, is there a ps3 gaming wheel that...
Thanks bud,, just wondering,, is it possible for me to make a EU account and get the free items,, then trasfer them into my american account?
Thanks madjoker,, i added u, my psn is holafo
Thanks guys,, Im in canada, ontario, i think tht is eastern time zone and i usually go at night-ish now that im on break,, when im in school i...
I saw in that there are some pretty sick rewards by visiting the dream yacht and looking for shiny stuff,, any one in here know what...
I Feel You Men ,, Same Thing Happened to Me
I missed by one,, :) :)
100 th comment !! :) :)
Im now level 36! :) : Im just gonna wait till sony givrs out another 10 000 points cuz levelin up by chassing flying orbs is imposible,!!!