Separate names with a comma.
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Wish I could oblige you Gary, but it's not remotely that… or even something based on a Bloody Mary or sterno.Just a good traditional genetic...
UPDATE: Think I just figured out the reason for the temp network error a few hours ago. The Island Hideaway of Dr. Granzella was apparently...
Just a quick "just in case" notice — from ~3:30a to ~4:13a PST — Home® was being all sorts of mischievous once again.I was in Japan for a but...
You mean that official non-official UI mockup isn't already up everywhere? Everyone must be out getting more coffee…So… [ATTACH] I suppose this...
Close. I woke up… then took out a restraining order. :cautious:Suppose I should ensure the katana (a Masamune "dragon head" style) is handy...
:grinch: What can I say? That's just so delightfully evil of you…!"And what happened, then? Well, in Homeville they say - that the Grinch's...
Hiya Hoppy!Not at all old. I believe it went up back on Dec. 4th (and will likely remain free & available until the end of time.Not bad, but...
Warning: Dangerously-satirical content ahead. Abandon All Hope Ye Who Read Onward. Proceed with caution and common sense (or lack thereof). Void...
just entered NA & realized that myself. No install occurred, contrary to the prompt from early thus morning. It just worked when I clicked it....
Just heading into NA now.Could've sworn we added each other outside Japan faga, but apparently not. Just whiz me over an FR and i'll sneak you...
You betcha! Have them all favorited in both regions, just in case!I only just got up; so just finishing eating + enjoying my bottomless coffee...
The Third Mutated Gelfling Games was a little… odd.You hide, the disgruntled Elf goes temporarily deaf & blind, and you run off in the opposite...
Ooos. Forgot about that bug feature. That's not a new after-sudden-maintenance thing… it was like that when it went live last night. Just a black...
Can't imagine why you'd assume that? o_OAside from your perfect logic deducing, that is! (y)"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry...
hi Pro…Winter-revised Great Edo of Nippon was already up for a short while before Home downtime. All dar, snowing, and snow piles everywhere....
Good timing… was going to report the same. The 1.85 client went "live" ~45m ago — your PS3 insists on updating — but it can't due to ongoing...
Home indeed is currently down again for "essential maintenance". Wonder what updates they borked during the many attempts over the past week?...
You said it! It's something I know all too well also… (´・_・`)Reminds me of days past (2-3 years back, I think it was) when Home slipped...
Appears that this corrected & updated Home still has SE scary glitches that pop up.Earlier I stated how shocked I was to actually receive the...
It's now ~3:21a and there's no doubt I'm totally frozen thanks to the Challenges screen. Went super laggy, taking forever to not load, and after...