Separate names with a comma.
Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
that what I'm thinking too.
Just re-reading those fishing tips from the other day and this one got me thinking.So I assuming only one lure works on the colossus/jellyfish...
that's not good, I heard it didn't unlock for Chad when he first caught it too. But he got the reward after recapturing the mech angler fish, so I...
I think you could be right there, I've also noticed this especially when you use the jackhammer.
Cheers Yoshi, XD Managed to take it to the person this time and got part of a fossil.
Cheers faga :thumbsup:
Im not sure if its a timed event or not, but with the mech angler fish i used starfish bait which seemed to work. Caught him 5 times in a row. As...
I've only managed to get one both try's so far, I was wondering if you get a reward if you have a certain number of fossils before the rope breaks.
Here you go Pi Temporary Way to get Coats from Theater 10 | PlayStation® Community Forums
Cheers Chad XD I just tried you tip for the theatre reward, that you posted over at the official forums and it work straight away for me.
I'm pretty sure you get the 5 reward mentioned in the JP thread, spade, pic axe, jackhammer, brush, hammer and chisel by simply using them within...
I managed to get 5 items, Spade, pic axe, jackhammer, brush, hammer and chisel. Don't asks me how thought, I was randomly selecting the options....
I have, but as it's update day i didn't receive them. :( I only need 2 more items to complete the book now, so that was a waste of money. The...
I have, but as it's update day i didn't receive them. :( I only need 2 more items to complete the book now, the lures you unlock help alot.
Wow NA is being very uncooperative today for me.
High moon studios have announced transformers:fall of cybertron [ATTACH] Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron Announced In Latest Game Informer -...