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well mine is gone and the capsom store makes it look like i never bought the items way back in 2009 but i did and i had my Sheva avatar saved with...
I don't think today's maintenance is to fix Missing item's... It be nice if it was... But i don't think so!I will check again later when Home's...
Well i just found out today that my first account back in 2009 i started HOME with had the Capcom Resident Evil 5 Sheva Costume is GONE that i...
OK, so we know EU got R3 Shirts for HOME by a Code... I wonder if USA Home will give these SHIRTS for FREE tomarrow as well? One can Hope!Cross...
TOYKO GAME SHOW Lounge... It says it a GLOBAL Lounge... And in small Print says users from other REGIONS!HA HA!WELL WELL WELL maybe we can get...
Well ifwe only have till Wed Night to get the Zombie game done and 20,000,000 points were gonna be in trouble then it's still less than 19,000,000...
The HUB if all Home regions goto the HUB design they will all be the same looks at this point this is one thing i'll miss about other regions if...
Also don't forget each day u can goto the Blog in the back left side and get 100 Points alone each day off the blog itself... That alone adds up...
It seems since Home and CAPCOM don't seem to get along these days that SONY is doing this on purpose to remove Capcom item's from Home users as...
I had like 7850 points when i started yesterday... It went from 7850 points down to 5000 points for me to get all 6 of the NEW fish trophys......
Thanks, wondered if the time had changed or not... good to know! :)By: DCS
So do we know what times now that were susposed to go for the fish now? That would help?Let us know?By: DCS
aww, someone didn't see the previous page... aww!
YAY got my 6 new fish trophys... had to leave and come back in to get VR shirts... LOL! But yay!so anyone get anything NOW for getting all the...
Um way early for a TTT2 post since its not out till 2012... AWW!But i for one will be all over this and any new fighting games... YAY!Now we...
So it's the end of the month and the Aquarium hasn't been updated yet with the 6 last Fish Trophys and the VR shirts... Not looking good then!:(...
yep if ur a fighting game fan and u like Trophys and Online play... For 9.99 u can't go wrong!I got mine, YAY!I didn't buy MK2 from the store...
So who all here Is Getting the Mortal Kombat: Arcade Kollection out today on PS Store?I for one will... Sure i have these games already well...
say what?
this should of been done on wed early that be IREM's last day... AWW!I was not home tonight so couldn't even be there at the time... Arrrggg!:(