Separate names with a comma.
Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
I told you before about the gold campaign, Steve. You need to answer or fill-in a question or a joke that Sony Japan picks as best overall, which...
I noticed last visit from there I saw no shadow when entering and saw the big cow ray just sitting on the bottom. I've heard rumors it's the...
I redeemed my meat bomb code for Dead Island but it acted as if it was like the Killzone 3 points, with no icon or downloading to be seen in...
Today is the final day for Irem spaces, as well as buying the El Shaddai items to get the freebies coming to you on Sept. 16th, so get them all now.
Yes, that is good news for anyone that didn't get the fishes due to time constraints.
Gah, I was in the wrong position! I looked the other way during my pose! :p
Yes, it is gone, Hopper.
I think what you need to do is just install it, play it, and read through it all. There's a tab that shows you the rewards, but after logging onto...
I'm still like 7,000 points. I'm not sure how the points total up after each dance-off. :p
Hm, that would be an advantage... I really don't know if you could though.Oh, and I found something interesting in Japan Home:1.) I found that...
The only big difference in the Move event space is that now they have a few of the PS Move downloadable games, but you cannot get the PS Move hand...
I got that Bururun magazine from Irem a few months ago. Got those kimono and shirts to go with them. Great issue too. Too bad I really wished they...
No, that one I played at EU too. There's no rewards. It's just like Freezeball for fun.EDIT: It says here that it has rewards? I may need to try...
I would have to agree. The lowest they come up with is 50 yen - 50 cents, and mostly almost every item is 100 yen - $1.00.
Those fish gold stuff is for people who entered a contest of putting in text to what Toro or any character would say, just to make a joke or...
I got one spare code for you guys. PM me if you're interested.EDIT: It's been redeemed. Thank you.
I'd like one please. ;)Are they NA or EU regioned?EDIT: SCRATCH THAT! I got my code! Thanks! ;)
Great looking tees! I bet the costumes will be from the PSP game and OVA anime.FYI, there's also an option to buy the arcade cabinets from...
Thanks for the R3 code. I redeemed it a few days ago. ;)
Well, this happened unexpectedly when I had to log out with my power button when the Lockwood Gift Machine froze me several times and had a...