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i got my ford outfit :D
There a lot more one shirt from the capcom girls. I have 4 shirts! Aslo 300 yen for 3 pets so far is way better then any other pay to play thing...
300 yen you get two mini capcom girls so far. Think there be more and pets are 300 yen so crown free :) Quiz is way easy for me did both my first...
You have to make a word as a team that awser the question so japanese will help if dont know :) They said a word you put the letter for that word...
yes need to buy 300 yen crowd to play quiz ^^ aslo free magic thing from monster space ^^ prize for capcom quiz is mini capcom girl so pet so cute...
so more full outfits i miss customizing my avatar with tops and bottom and hair i want to wear not look like everyone else that buy this full...
ty ff just got mine :D
I wasn't talking about you ff. But some where making fun of outfit just because they thought it was too girly for guys and making straight fun of...
you not acting like an adult and if dont like the outfit stop going to japan because a lot japanese cos play. If cant handle that maybe you should...
can we stop making fun of this outift and act like grow adults it call cosplaying >.<
omg so want to go on home and buy oufits so cute :D
oh you need game anyone want to do my account pretty please
Oh cool ^^_ But clearing my list and just readding all items was easier for me ;) Didn't lose any rewards. But with spoofing fix now. There be no...
"See Where Your Money is Going Be wary of the organization that assures you that 100 percent of your donation goes to help the victims or...
oh i hope it lbp outfit whole outfit i be so happy :D
Yeah Neptune is blocked sadly from japan users getting to. My japanese friend wanted me to invite to my neptune and i couldn't
Item Sever exploit people wear all Kinda items there collectors of all items. This why Exploit items so wear other region items. Which include...
Yeah the first midway item all work in japan. Midway 2 items do not! Dont asked me how i know i just tell you a birdy told me :p. Btw adding item...
lol if you see other region t-shirts in region they shouldn't be that called ISE short for Item Sever Exploit only work for rewards not reddem...
i miss teddy bear and lollipops :*( forgot all about it until today D: